Spring Section Manager Election Results Announced
Northern New Jersey Section ARRL members have elected a new Section Manager, while members in Utah have re-elected their Section Manager for another 2-year term. Ballots for contested seats in the spring election cycle were counted on May 23 at ARRL Headquarters.
In Northern New Jersey, Rob Roschewsk, KA2PBT, of Washington, outpolled incumbent SM Steve Ostrove, K2SO, 399 to 307 votes.
Roschewsk has been licensed since 1982 and is a computer server/network engineer. In his candidate statement, Roschewsk said his goal is “to promote the diverse facets of Amateur Radio, with a special focus on youth activities, building-making, contesting and public service.”
Ostrove has been the Northern New Jersey Section Manager since September 2016, when he was appointed to complete the remaining term of Rich Krohn, N2SMV, who stepped down midterm.
In Utah, incumbent SM Mel Parkes, NM7P, was re-elected to a ninth consecutive term. In a very close race, Parkes received 351 votes, and Pat Malan, N7PAT, of South Jordan, received 332 votes. Parkes has been the Utah Section Manager since 1999.
Elsewhere, in the West Texas Section, H. Dale Durham, W5WI, of Buffalo Gap was an uncontested nominee for the SM position. He has been serving as Section Emergency Coordinator under current Section Manager Ron Harden, KB5HGM, since 2015, and as Assistant Section Manager since 2016. Harden did not run for a new term after serving since 2015.
These incumbent Section Managers were unopposed in this election cycle and were declared elected. Marty Pittinger, KB3MXM (Maryland-DC); John Bigley, N7UR (Nevada); Peter Stohrer, K1PJS (New Hampshire); Bob Beaudet, W1YRC (Rhode Island), and Dan Pruitt, AE6SX (San Joaquin Valley).
All new terms of office begin on July 1.