The 2018 ARRL Calendar is Now Shipping!
Talking to friends. Serving your community. Chasing DX. Trying a new mode. Working a contest. Taking your radio out in the field. The 2018 ARRL Calendar features photos of exciting on-air operating activities, that we hope will inspire you to get involved, active, and on the air too!
The 2018 ARRL Calendar includes:
- ARRL Contests and other major ham radio contests
- National event dates: ARRL Field Day, Kids Day, JOTA, and more!
- Phases of the moon and meteor showers
- Holidays and other important dates
- 2018 Monthly Planner
- Bonus Month (January 2019)
This year, the calendar features four winners from the 2018 #ARRL Calendar Facebook Photo Contest: Bradley Bowers, KF2I; Andrey Fedorov, RW3AH; Timothy McGuire, KJ4OLI, and Jack Reed, WA7LNW. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated!
The 2018 ARRL Calendar is available from the ARRL Store or your ARRL Dealer. (ARRL Order No. 0734), ISBN: 978-62595-073-4, $12.95 retail). Call 860-594-0355 or, toll-free in the US, 888-277-5289;; [email protected].