The November/December Issue of QEX is Hot Off the Press!
The November/December issue of QEX, ARRL’s bimonthly magazine for experimenters, is off the press and in the mail!
In this issue . . .
· Joe Taylor, K1JT, describes recent lunar echo measurements at 144 and 432 MHz, and tests his new EMEcho software to predict and measure Doppler shift, frequency spread, and polarization of EME signals using amateur equipment.
· Gary Cobb, G3TMG, compares Zolotarev low pass-band characteristics with the classical Chebyshev designs and shows a universal table of values that can be used in filters for Amateur Radio bands.
· Ed Callaway, N4II, investigates mechanisms responsible for gray line propagation on the low bands.
· Jim Kennedy, K6MIO/KH6, describes unique ionization pattern forms in the ionosphere above the Earth’s geomagnetic dip equator, that provide for various of F-region propagation at 6 meters.
· Charles R. MacCluer, W8MQW, describes a non-iterative two-step process for matching an L-network.
· Rudy Severns, N6LF, shows how to determine the electrical characteristics of soil by using a low dipole.
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