USA ARDF Championships Set for June 13-17 in California
The 18th USA Championships of Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) will take place June 13-17 near Truckee, California, some 30 miles southwest of Reno, Nevada. The competition sites are at about 6,300 feet elevation near Donner Summit.
An optional training day will be held on Wednesday, June 13. Thursday will be devoted to foxoring, a combination of radio direction finding and classic orienteering. Friday morning will be the sprint event, followed by a model event for equipment testing and a competitor briefing.
Classic 2-meter and 80-meter competitions will take place Saturday and Sunday, respectively. There will be an awards banquet on Saturday evening for presentation of medals for foxoring, sprint, and 2-meter classic events. Awards for the 80-meter classic will be presented Sunday afternoon following the competition.
These sites have not been used for any ARDF competitions in the past. Course designer is Bob Cooley, KF6VSE, and Meet Director is Jay Hennigan, WB6RDV. Both have been medalists in past USA ARDF Championships.
The Event Information Page includes technical details, lodging information, site embargoes, tourism, weather and much more. Information about the sport of ARDF, including equipment and techniques. Registration will open soon. More details as they become available will be posted on the Homing In website of ARRL ARDF Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV.
Training Days in February
Nine days of ARDF training sessions will take place beginning on February 17 in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area, with former Ukrainian ARDF team member Illia Ivanko as the primary instructor. Now living in the US, he was a medal winner at the 2017 IARU Region 2 ARDF championships with the best five times in both classic events.
The training sessions will be held in the Triangle area near Raleigh-Durham Airport. The Backwoods Orienteering Klub is sponsoring the event. Contact event organizer Joseph Huberman, K5JGH for more information. — Thanks to ARRL ARDF Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV