SB QST @ ARL $ARLB029 ARLB029 Colvin Award to Swiss-led group for 3B7 DXpedition ZCZC AG29 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 29 ARLB029 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT April 24, 1998 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB029 ARLB029 Colvin Award to Swiss-led group for 3B7 DXpedition An international group has received an ARRL Colvin Award grant to help fund a DXpedition to St Brandon (Cargados Islands) planned for May. St Brandon is part of the Republic of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean and is number 17 on the most-wanted list of DXCC entities. The ARRL Colvin Award Grants Committee voted to grant the Canton of Zug branch of the Union of Swiss Short-Wave Amateurs 5000 dollar(s) for the DXpedition. The group, under the leadership of Karl Graetzer, HB9JAI, has additional financial and in-kind support from Yaesu and Cushcraft, as well as from various DX clubs and commercial sponsors. ''We are very happy to have the contribution of the Colvin Award,'' Graetzer said this week. ''It will help a lot.'' Graetzer says all preparations have been completed and the team now is busy with flight cargo, customs formalities, and other activities. The group plans to arrive by boat on May 6 (gear will be ferried to shore by small boats) and to operate as 3B7RF from May 7 until May 17. Operation is expected to be continuous on all bands, including VHF, depending on propagation. Modes will include CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV. Two individual sites will be set up with four operating positions. Fifteen operators from Switzerland, the US, Japan, and Israel will share on-the-air duties. More information on the St Brandon DXpedition is available at NNNN /EX