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ARRL General Bulletin ARLB030 (1995)

ARLB030 Comments for conference
QST de W1AW  
ARRL Bulletin 30  ARLB030
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  March 30, 1995
To all radio amateurs 
ARLB030 Comments for conference
The ARRL has commented to the FCC on four topics of interest to
amateurs in preparation for the International Telecommunication
Union's World Radio Conference (WRC-95) scheduled for later this
The League said that it had already regularly opposed even the
suggestion of the use of present amateur bands between 2300 and 2400
MHz for the mobile satellite service (MSS), and that it was apparent
that any additional spectrum requirements for MSS could be satisfied
in bands outside those allocated to the Amateur service.
On the matter of the 40-meter band, the League said that, although
an important goal of both the ARRL and the International Amateur
Radio Union (IARU) is the eventual creation of a worldwide
allocation of 300 kHz, it believes the matter should not be on a WRC
agenda until 2001 or later.  The League said that considering this
any sooner would likely defeat the purpose of the exercise.
(At the 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference the United States
proposed realignment of the bands around 7 MHz, specifically to
provide amateurs a worldwide allocation of 6900 to 7200 kHz.  While
this realignment did not take place, a recommendation from that
conference called for a future conference to take up the matter.)
On the idea of an international amateur radio permit, the League
cited ongoing work by the IARU and in particular the European
community, and then suggested an agenda item for the 1999 WRC to
read ''(Resolved) to consider the adoption of an international
amateur radio permit to allow international roaming by duly licensed
amateurs among signatory countries.''
Finally, the ARRL took issue with a claim (in this, the FCC's second
notice of inquiry in IC Docket 94-31), that requirements for new
single-sideband HF broadcasting stations should be tempered by a
lack of available HF SSB receivers.  The League said that the issue
is not whether SSB should be required for HF broadcast, but rather
when double-sideband emissions should be terminated.
Pointing out that amateurs and most other radio services converted
to SSB many years ago, the ARRL said ''there should be no further
foot-dragging in the SSB conversion of the HF broadcasting service.''


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