SB QST @ ARL $ARLB093 ARLB093 Aid for Virgin Islands ZCZC AG60 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 93 ARLB093 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT October 12, 1995 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB093 ARLB093 Aid for Virgin Islands Amateurs in the US Virgin Islands have an additional repeater on the air following Hurricane Marilyn, thanks to the loan of a repeater from the ARRL. When Marilyn hit the islands on September 16, some local repeaters were put out of commission. ARRL USVI Section Manager Ron Hall, KP2N, said that a temporary repeater and a few 2-meter quarter-wave antennas would help the radio amateurs in St Thomas to provide disaster relief communication until they can get all their repeaters repaired and operational again. The League obtained a complete 2-meter repeater and shipped it to Hall, along with antennas. The repeater is in use on 146.81 MHz. The equipment will eventually be returned to ARRL Headquarters where it will be added to other gear (several hand-helds and 2-meter transceivers) kept at the ready for emergencies. These latter radios were last used by amateurs who helped the American Red Cross after Hurricane Iniki hit the Hawaiian Islands in September 1992. Before that, some of the equipment was used in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Hugo in 1989. NNNN /EX