SB DX @ ARL $ARLD003 ARLD003 DX news ZCZC AE03 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 3 ARLD003 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT January 21, 2010 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD003 ARLD003 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by DF1DV, NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all. TUNISIA, 3V. Members of two Tunisian clubs are QRV with special callsign TS8RW until February 14 in celebration of ROVER week. QSL via operators' instructions. TANZANIA, 5H. Igor, UA3DJY is QRV as 5I3A until March 1. Activity is on all bands. QSL via RK3AOL. UGANDA, 5X. Nick, G3RWF is QRV as 5X1NH until March 21. Activity is on all bands, except 160 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL to home call. SENEGAL, 6W. Tom, GM4FDM and Ronald, PA3EWP will be QRV as 6W/homecalls from Le Calao from January 26 to February 9. Activity is mainly on the low bands using RTTY. QSL via operators' instructions. JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLAND, CE0. Toshi, JA8BMK is QRV as XR0ZA from Robinson Crusoe Island, IOTA SA-005. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters with an emphasis on the lower bands, using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL direct to home call. GERMANY, DA. Special event stations DR2010L, DR2010O and DR2010N are QRV throughout this year in celebration of Essen and the Ruhr area, capital of culture 2010. SCOTLAND, GM. Operators MM0DFV and GM0WRR will be QRV as MM0DGR/m from the Braehead Moss National Nature Reserve on January 23. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via MM0DFV. SOLOMON ISLANDS, H4. Bernhard, DL2GAC is QRV as H44MS from Guadalcanal, IOTA OC-047, until April 19. This includes activating Temotu Province in February. Activity is on 80 and 40 meters using mainly SSB. QSL to home call. THAILAND, HS. Eddy, ON4AFU is QRV as HS0ZJF/8 from Koh Samui, IOTA AS-101, until January 30. QSL to home call. DOMINICA, J7. Gaynell, KK4WWW is QRV as J79WWW until February 4 while on work assignment. She is active in her spare time. QSL via N4USA. MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Masa, JD1BMM is QRV from Marcus Island, IOTA OC-073, until the end of February. QSL via bureau. MONGOLIA, JT. Sank, JT1AS is QRV as JT70AS throughout the year in celebration of his 70th birthday. Activity is on the HF bands using RTTY and PSK. QSL to home call. FERNANDO de NORONHA, PY0F. Fred, PY2XB will be QRV as PY2XB/PY0F from January 23 to February 3. He will be active as PQ0F in the upcoming CQ WW 160-Meter contest. Activity is on all bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL both calls via PT7WA. MOUNT ATHOS, SV/A. Monk Apollo is usually QRV using RTTY on 160, 80, 40 and 30 meters around 1700 to 2100z. QSL direct. EAST KIRIBATI, T32. Don, G3BJ is QRV as T32BJ from Christmas Island, IOTA OC-024, until January 26. Activity is on the low bands using mainly CW. QSL to home call. BELIZE, V3. Gerd, DJ4KW and Gisela, DK9GG are QRV as V31YN and V31GW, respectively, until February 28. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes activity in several contests held during this time. QSL to home calls. FALKLAND ISLANDS. Michael, G7VJR and Martin, G3ZAY are QRV as VP8DMN from East Falkland, IOTA SA-002, until January 29. QSL via G7VJR. INDIA, VU. Norbert, DJ9RB is QRV as VU2RBQ until February 2. This includes an entry in the upcoming CQ WW 160-Meter contest. QSL to home call. VANUATU, YJ. Nikola, 9A6DX, Hrvoje, 9A6XX and Marko, 9A8MM are QRV as YJ0DX, YJ0XX and YJ0MM, respectively, from Efate Island, IOTA OC-035, until January 28. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL all calls via 9A8MM. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes, BARTG RTTY Sprint and the YL-ISSB SSB QSO Party are scheduled for this weekend. The SKCC CW Sprint is scheduled for January 27. Please see January QST, page 80, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details. NNNN /EX