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ARRL DX Bulletin ARLD015 (1995)

ARLD015 DX news
QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 15  ARLD015
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  March 30, 1995
To all radio amateurs   
ARLD015 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
Bob, WB2CJL, Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, the Yankee Clipper
Contest Club PacketCluster network and the Contest Corral column
from the pages of QST magazine.  Thanks to all.
SPRATLY.  A group of Japanese and Malaysian amateurs are on the air
as 9M0A from Pulay Layang-Layang, the location of the 9M0S operation
of May 1993.  An early announcement of the DXpedition stated plans
for CW, SSB, RTTY and perhaps even some SSTV.  New England
PacketCluster spots show them on 14002 kHz at 1547z and 14195 kHz
between 1440 and 1615z.  QSL via JA9AG.  DU0K should be active from
April 10 to 16 by a group of Philippine amateurs.
CONWAY REEF.  Due to rough seas some equipment took an unplanned
swim when one of the rubber rafts overturned.  However, it has been
reported that two of the three planned stations are on the air.  Try
7085 kHz between 1100 and 1215z.
MAURITANIA.  Listen for I2RLX, IT9AZS, IT9JNT and IT9PHY operating
as 5T0AS April 1 to 20.  Plans are for this DXpedition to be on all
bands, CW and SSB.  QSL via IT9AZS.
MALDIVE ISLANDS.  Juergen, DL1IAI, has requested the call sign 8Q7AI
for his April 12 to 27 stay on Kuredu Island.  His hopes are to
operate 160 through 20 meters.  QSL via CBA.
SVALBARD.  DF6JC is on the air operating the station of JW5E and
signing JW/DF6JC.  He has been on 14190 kHz between 1300 and 1315z.
JW0C has been worked on 14190 kHz from 1423 to 1435z, and 14205 kHz
at 1745z.
FRANZ JOSEF LAND.  There has been some talk of operations from FJL
coming to a close as the stations shuts down because of budgetary
reasons, though some stations continue to be active.  R1FJL was
worked on 14014 kHz at 2253z and RX1OX/FJL was on 14237 kHz at
BELIZE.  Don, ZF2VW and ex-DJ0IR, will sign V31VW April 10 to 24
from San Ignacio.  Most activity will be on 17 and 12 meters, CW and
SSB.  Also check 14230, 21370 and 28410 kHz.  QSL via the Vancouver
Mountain Radio Club, PO Box 1622, Vancouver, WA 98668.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Holyland DX Contest, sponsored by
the Israel ARC, runs from 1800z April 1 to 1800z April 2.  Exchange
signal report and serial number beginning with 001.
The SP-DX Contest on CW, sponsored by the Polski Zwiazek
Krotkofalowcow, runs from 1500z April 1 to 2300z April 2.  Exchange
six digit number consisting of RST and QSO number.
Check page 123 of March QST for more information on these operating
The EA WW RTTY Contest is a 24 hour contest that starts at 1600z
April 1.  We have no other info on this event, so listen on the air
for exchange details.


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