SB DX @ ARL $ARLD016 ARLD016 DX news ZCZC AE91 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 16 ARLD016 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT April 6, 1995 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD016 ARLD016 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by Steve, W9NUF, the Northern Illinois DX Association, Ken, V73C, Ralph, K1RH, Joe, NJ1Q, Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and the Contest Corral column from the pages of QST magazine. Thanks to all. MARIANA ISLANDS. A group of Japanese ops will sign AH0Q on 40 through 10 meters April 7 to 11. CAMEROON. Jim, TJ1JB, aka 5X1B, has been operating CW around 14027 kHz between 1930 and 2330z. He is working for the American embassy in Cameroon. QSL via KE9A. UGANDA. Frank, 5X4D, is on the air almost daily starting at 1800z on 21295 kHz and then on 14245 kHz at 1900z. He may be leaving sometime early this month. QSL via IN3DYG. 5X4B has been operating PacTOR on 14073 kHz at around 2040z. SPRATLY. The Japanese and Malaysian group has gone QRT. If you missed them you will have another chance, as a group of Philippine amateurs will activate DU0K April 10 to 16. SVALBARD. Three YL operators will activate Spitsbergen Island, IOTA EU-26, in the Svalbard Archipelago April 8 to 12. Their radio equipment will be a battery powered, synthesized portable radio with 25 watts of output power to a dipole antenna. Try 14247 and 21247 kHz SSB. Some CW operating is planned. Please note that their radio has no provision for split frequency operation. Also consider their limited battery power and make QSOs short by exchanging only signal reports unless otherwise requested. QSL Unni, JW6RHA, via LA6RHA. QSL Turid, JW9THA, via LA9THA. QSL Inger, JW8KT, via LA8KT. ETHIOPIA. ET3KV was heard on 18117 kHz around 1930z, ET3BT was heard working free style on 14226 kHz around 1915z, and ET2AA was heard on 21240 kHz around 1345z. DJIBOUTI. J28FD, J28GR and J28BQ will be on the air as J20SF April 14 to 20. Their location will be Seven Brothers Islands group, IOTA AF-059, located in the Gulf of Aden. Plans are for CW and SSB activity on the IOTA frequencies. QSL via F5LBM. VIETNAM. XV7SW reports a break in his normally busy work schedule and expects to be able to spend more time on the air. He is only authorized to operate on certain frequencies, and has applied for permission to operate on 1827 and 7012 kHz. Listen for him on 3505 kHz. MALDIVES. DL1IAI will be QRV as 8Q7AI April 12 to 27. He will operate 80 through 10 meters and attempt some work on 160 meters. QSL via his home call. NEPAL. An all band, CW and SSB operation by JA8MWU will begin about April 26 for approximately 10 days. QSL via his home call. MAURITANIA. A multi-op group from Italy will be signing 5T0AS through April 20 from Tidra Island, IOTA AF-50. QSL via IT9AZS. MARSHALL ISLANDS. Ken, V73C, reports that his new QSL manager is Bruce Smith, N4GAK. QSL NOTES. Ralph, K1RH, wants it known that he is not, and never has been QSL manager for FP5DX. However, K1RH is manager for FP5EK. Ralph has not been manager for TF3CW for many years. Cards for him should go via the TF bureau. And K1RH was QSL manager for 8R1K through 1982. Since that time the 8R1K call has been re-assigned several times, in 1991 to OH2BH, and 1992 and 1993 to OH0XX. IOTA SHORTS. VK6ML will operate from a small off-shore island or shoal from May 12 to 16. He will sign VK6ISL. Listen for a three day operation from a small southern Japanese island by JA3IG/6 starting April 23. Both operations will be new ones for the IOTA award. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party on CW, sponsored by the QRP ARC International, runs from 1200z April 8 to 2400z April 9. Exchange signal report, state/province/DXCC country, and ARCI number if a member. Non-members send output power instead of ARCI number. For more info, see page 123 of March QST. NNNN /EX