SB DX @ ARL $ARLD035 ARLD035 DX news ZCZC AE35 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 35 ARLD035 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT August 14, 1997 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD035 ARLD035 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, the 425 DX News, The 599 Report, The Daily DX, The DXNS and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all. SVALBARD, JW. Kjell, SM7NAS, will sign JW/SM7NAS from August 29 to September 1, from the QTH of JW5E. Expect operation on 20, 15 and 10 meters, plus the newer bands if possible. QSL to Kjell Adolfsson, Dalbovagen 16B, S-59096 Overum, Sweden. NEPAL, 9N. 9N1BV has been active on 14015 and 14180 kHz between 1200 and 1500z. QSL via JA1PBV. MAYOTTE, FH. Look for Volkmar, FH/DF2SS, on CW on 18077, 10109, 3505 and 1840 kHz. QSL via DF2SS. Giuseppe, IK4NQW, will be QRV from August 21 to September 2 as FH/IK4NQW/P. QSL via home call bureau or direct. IRAQ, YI. Duraid, YI1US was heard working stateside on 14254 kHz just after 2000z. QSL via WA3HUP. LIBYA, 5A. The OE1XIC 5A28 DXpedition is expected to be QRV from August 31 to September 7. QSL via OE2GRP. CEUTA, EA9. Frank, EA5RD, and Kim, EA5ND, will be active September 6 and 7, signing EA9/home call. Look for them on 80 through 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the bureau or to home calls. GUADELOUPE, FG. John, EA3CB, will be active as FG/EA3CB until August 14 and then from Les Saintes August 15 to 17. Check 40 through 10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY, including the newer bands. QSL via EA3CB. ST. PIERRE and MIQUELON, FP. Rich, K2RW, is planning a RTTY operation August 14 through 18 as FP5AA. He will be active in the SARTG RTTY Contest August 16 and 17. QSL via his home call. SOUTH KOREA, HL. Members of The Hanyang University Wave Research Club will be active on SSB and CW as HL0C/4 from Mara Island (AS-026) from August 13 to 16. QSL to Hanyang University Amateur Radio Station, 17 Hangdang Seongdong, Seoul, Korea. PITCAIRN ISLAND, VR6. Tom, VR6TC has been active on 14188 kHz at 0130z and will give out CW QSOs as well. QSL via WD6GUD. IRAN, EP. Ali, EP2MKB, has been found on 3505 kHz around 2110z. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The KCJ Contest, SARTG RTTY Contest and SEANET Contest, phone, are on tap for you radio pleasure. Please see August QST, page 95 for details. NNNN /EX