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ARRL DX Bulletin ARLD062 (1995)

ARLD062 DX news

DX Bulletin 62  ARLD062
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  December 14, 1995
To all radio amateurs

ARLD062 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by KB8NW,
the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, the DX Bulletin, QRZ DX, G4BUE, JA3JM,
K4UTE, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and
Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

AFGHANISTAN, YA.  Dick, K4UTE, reports that Yan, F5TCN, the QSL
Manager for YA9XL, says that he has no logs at this time.  The op of
YA9XL is Oleg, UT9XL, in Kabul.  Oleg appears to like 7005 kHz
around 0100z and has been heard on 20 meter CW between 1400 and
1500z.  Yan gives the following address to QSL which is not the one
in 1996 callbook:  Yannick Chilliau, 14 Route d'Harnes, F-62880
Annan sous lens, France.  No documentation for this operation has
been received by the DXCC Desk.

THAILAND, HS.  Jim, KM4P, will sign HS0/KM4P through December 15,
mostly on 20 meter SSB, with some 40 meter activity.  QSL to PO Box
12141, Arlington, VA  22219.

MACQUARIE ISLAND, VK0.  Warren, VK0WH, continues his operations from
here with SSB on 14130 kHz at 1030z and CW on 7010 kHz at 0930z.

SOUTH ORKNEY ISLANDS, VP8.  Ernesto, LU1ZPF and Hector, LU6LO, are
QRV mostly on CW, but with some SSB.  QSL them via LU6EF, the buro
or direct.

SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA, 1A0.  This Italian operation will
sign 1A0KM through December 17, on all bands and modes, including
satellites.  QSL via Francesco Valsecchi, IK0FVC, Via Bitossi 21,
00136 Roma, Italy.

TOGO, 5V7.  Look for Dave daily on 14156 kHz at 2130z.  QSL via
AB7BB direct only.

KERGUELEN ISLAND, FT5.  Jean Jacques can be found most days on 14136
kHz around 1600z.

MAURITIUS, 3B8.  JA3JM will be active December 18 to 26 as either
3B8/JA3JM or 3B8/AA5K, on all bands, including AO10 and 13.  QSL to
Akio Shimizu, 3-6-22 Kasugaoka, Fujiidera, Osaka 583, Japan.

MAYOTTE, FH.  Akio then moves on to Mayotte as FH/JA3JM from
December 27 to 31.

REUNION, FR.  Before going home, Akio stops in Reunion from January
1 to 5 as FR/JA3JM.

GREENLAND, OX.  Look for OX3XR Wednesdays on 1825 kHz between 2200
and 2300z.  Also, check 3503 kHz around 1030z.  QSL via OZ3PZ.

NIGERIA, 5N.  5N0OBA, 5N0PYL, 5N0T, 5N3ALE and 5N9WKO will sign
5N4OTB from Bonny Island from December 23 to 28. They will be active
on all bands SSB and CW.  QSL via F2YT.

TANZANIA, 5H.  Giovanni, I5JHW, will be active from January 1 to 9,
signing 5H1HW on all bands with CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL to his home

GUAM, KH2.  Ray, WH6ASW, works as a teacher on Guam and will be
there for two years.  Look for him to start operations as WH6ASW/KH2
very soon.  QSL via G3EZZ.

WAKE ISLAND, KH9.  The Dateline DX Association will be activating
Wake Island January 24 to 31.  The call sign to be used will be
announced shortly before commencing operations to minimize pirate
activity.  Operators include AL7EL, WB2DND, KC7V and K4HQI.
Activity will be on all bands, with an emphasis on RTTY and
satellite, as these modes have never been activated from Wake.  QSL
via AL7EL, Tom Harrell, 27257 Nellis Road, Evans Mills, NY 13637

be active from February 3 to 9 at VP5JM's rental shack.  QSL JJ2QEH
to Koji Iida, 1866-2, Oota, Minokamo, Gifu 505 Japan.  QSL JJ2QXI,
Masahiro Mori, 1268, Atobe, Mugegawa, Mugi, Gifu 501-26 Japan.

EASTER ISLAND, CE0.  JA7AYE and JA7XQV, will be active mainly on CW
as XQ0/JA7AYE between December 30 and January 3.  QSL via JA7AYE.

VP8CID will return to this island soon.

ANTARCTICA.  Palmer Station, KC4AAC, operator Mark makes phone
patches and operates every Thursday night anytime after 0000z.  He
is more than willing to hand out QSOs between phone patches and
after he has completed them all.

EM1KA is active from the Ukrainian research base Vernadsky around
14195 or 14265 kHz after 0300z.  This station has also been heard on
1832 kHz around 0350z.

SPECIAL PREFIX.  During 1996, Austrian stations will be allowed to
use the special prefix ''OEM'' to celebrate their 1000th anniversary.

SPECIAL EVENT STATION.  The Port Adelaide Radio Club will use the
call sign VI5SUB to commemorate the launch of the submarine
FARNCOMBE in Adelaide, South Australia, December 15 and 16 on 21200,
14200, 7100 and 3600 kHz.

QSL NOTE.  Dick, N7RO, says that he is not the manager for EK6LF,
EK7M and EK8WB.  Please do not send him cards for these stations.


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