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ARRL Propagation Bulletin ARLP026 (1999)

ARLP026 Propagation de K7VVV

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 26  ARLP026
From Tad Cook, K7VVV
Seattle, WA  June 25, 1999
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP026 Propagation de K7VVV

This is the weekend for ARRL Field Day, so our path projections this
week will concentrate on domestic locations and the five HF bands
which are of concern to most Field Day operations.

Sunspot numbers were down quite a bit last week, with the average
lower by over 78 points compared to the previous week.  Average
solar flux was down almost 12 points.  Geomagnetic conditions were
very stable.  Solar flux bottomed out on Saturday at 138.8, and is
back on the rebound.  Flux values this Field Day weekend are
expected to be quite high, at 180, 185 and 190 for Friday through
Sunday.  Unfortunately there have been a couple of M-class flares in
the past few days, and this will lead to unsettled to active
conditions over this weekend, with planetary A indices at 15.

Sunspot Numbers for June 17 through 23 were 167, 109, 117, 102, 148,
160 and 169 with a mean of 138.9.  10.7 cm flux was 146.5, 146.5,
138.8, 151.5, 145.5, 161.6 and 167.5, with a mean of 151.1, and
estimated planetary A indices were 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4 and 6, with a
mean of 5.6.

Path projections for Field Day will assume modest antennas, and the
times given should be a very good bet for working the target areas.
You will find other times and frequencies work as well, but the ones
listed here are as close to a sure thing as we can get.  The best
overall band for domestic contacts this weekend looks like 40
meters.  To many areas it is open around the clock.

Remember in Field Day there is no multiplier for working DX or the
number of states or sections worked, so the key is to have fun and
work as many stations as possible.

From Portland, Oregon to Southern California, 80 meters 0130-1430 z,
40 meters all hours, best 0500-1130z.  To Denver, 80 meters
0130-1330z, 40 meters all hours, best 0500-1030z, 20 meters
1930-0700z and 1430-1530z.  To Atlanta, 80 meters 0230-1100z, 40
meters 0100-1230z, 20 meters all hours, best 0430-0930z, 15 meters
1730-0730z and 1100-1230z.  To Dallas, 80 meters 0230-1200z, 40
meters 0000-1430z, 20 meters 0000-1430z, 15 meters 0330-0530z.  To
Pittsburgh, 80 meters 0230-1100z, 40 meters 0100-1230z, 20 meters
1700-1200z (best 0330- 1000z), 15 meters 0100-0600z.  To
Minneapolis, 80 meters 0230-1200z, 40 meters 2230-1600z (best
0500-0930z), 20 meters all hours, best 0400-0830z.  To Connecticut,
80 meters 0300-1000z, 40 meters 0130-1130z, 20 meters all hours,
best 0330-0600z.

From Southern California to Denver, 80 meters 0100-1400z, 40 meters
all hours, best 0400-1030z, 20 meters 0330-0700z.  To Atlanta, 80
meters 0200-1130z, 40 meters 0030-1300z, 20 meters all hours, best
0300-1030z, 15 meters all hours, best 0300-0600z.  To Dallas, 80
meters 0200-1230z, 40 meters all hours, best 0400-1030z, 20 meters
all hours, best 0330-1100z, 15 meters best possibility 0430-0730z.
To Pittsburgh, 80 meters 0200-1100z, 40 meters 0030-1230z, 20 meters
all hours, best 0300-1000z, 15 meters all hours, best 0300-0500z.
To Minneapolis, 80 meters 0230-1200z, 40 meters 2300-1530z (best
0400-1000z), 20 meters 2300-1530z, 15 meters possibly 0330- 0830z.
To Connecticut, 80 meters 0230-1000z, 40 meters 0100- 1200z, 20
meters all hours, best 0300-0530z.

From Atlanta to Dallas, 80 meters 2300-01300z, 40 meters all hours,
best 0230-0930z.  To Pittsburgh, 80 meters 2100-1430z (best
0200-0900z), 40 meters all hours, best 0130-0930z.  To Minneapolis,
80 meters 2330-1200z, 40 meters all hours, best 0230-0930z, 20
meters could open any time, best bet around 2230z.  To Connecticut,
80 meters 2300-1130z, 40 meters all hours, best 0130-0830z, 20
meters could open any time, best around 2200z.

From Dallas to Pittsburgh, 80 meters 0000-1200z, 40 meters all
hours, best 0130-0930z, 20 meters all hours, best 0130-0500z.  To
Minneapolis, 80 meters 0000-1230z, 40 meters all hours, best
0330-0930z, 20 meters could open any time.  To Connecticut, 80
meters 0100-1030z, 40 meters 2200-1330z (best 0230-0830z), 20 meters
2200-1330z (best 0200-0900z), 15 meters best bet around 0200-0300z.

From Pittsburgh to Minneapolis, 80 meters 2300-1230z (best 0230-
0900z), 40 meters all hours, best 0230-0900z.  To Connecticut, 80
meters all hours, best 0200-0830z, 40 meters all hours, best

From Minneapolis to Connecticut, 80 meters 0030-1030z, 40 meters all
hours, best 0300-0830z, 20 meters most hours, best 0200-0530z and


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