SB SPACE @ ARL $ARLS011 ARLS011 New satellites get OSCAR designations ZCZC AS11 QST de W1AW Space Bulletin 011 ARLS011 From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT August 21, 1998 To all radio amateurs SB SPACE ARL ARLS011 ARLS011 New satellites get OSCAR designations Amateurs radio*s two newest satellites, TMSAT-1 and TechSat-1B, are reported doing very well after a month in space. The two birds were launched jointly in late July from Russia*s Baikonur Cosmodrome. Neither satellite is yet ready for general use as they undergo initial loading of flight software. Both satellites also have received OSCAR designations from AMSAT. TMSAT has been dubbed TMSAT-OSCAR-31 (TO-31), while the Gurwin TechSat 1B will be known as Gurwin-OSCAR-32 (GO-32). The assignment of consecutive OSCAR numbers to new Amateur Radio spacecraft is a tradition that dates from the launch of the very first Amateur Radio Satellite-OSCAR 1. In order for an OSCAR number to be assigned, the satellite must successfully achieve orbit and one or more transmitters must be successfully activated in the Amateur Radio bands. Then, the builders/owners of the satellite must formally request that a consecutive OSCAR number be assigned to their satellite. TMSAT, the first Thai microsat, was constructed by Thai engineers in cooperation with engineers at the University of Surrey in the UK. It*s primarily designed along the lines of a low-earth-orbiting communications satellite. The TMSAT control station in Bangkok is HS0AM. TechSat-1B is also responding well to ground control commands, and the satellite recently took its first picture from space. The satellite contains an ultraviolet spectro-radiometer, a charged particles detector, and a superconductivity experiment, among other experiments. Images from both satellites and access to additional information are available via the AMSAT Web site, Both satellites are expected to be available soon for general amateur use. NNNN /EX