SB SPCL @ ARL $ARLX009 ARLX009 W3A QRV ZCZC AX55 QST de W1AW Special Bulletin 9 ARLX009 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT April 12, 1996 To all radio amateurs SB SPCL ARL ARLX009 ARLX009 W3A QRV Ham radio has part in National Musical Arts event Amateur Radio will play a role at a musical and historical event April 12-14 at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. Special event station W3A starts operation at 0000 April 13 and continues for the next 48 hours. Run by members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club, W3A plans to operate approximately 47 kHz up from band edges. The event is in conjunction with National Musical Arts end-of-the-season concert, ''Radio and Music,'' set for April 14. The concert commemorates the 95th anniversary of Gugliemo Marconi's first transatlantic radio transmission and the 70th anniversary of NBC. The musical program includes the work ''Radio Music,'' by John Cage, as well as compositions by Paul Schonfield and Peter Schickele, otherwise known as P.D.Q. Bach. Leonard Schachter, N3RPQ, has loaned part of his vintage radio collection for the presentation of ''Radio Music,'' to be performed by Schickele, Nobel laureate Joseph H. Taylor Jr and National Academy of Sciences President Bruce M. Alberts. Frank Turano, KA3GAL, will display Marconi memorabilia, including a magnetic detector, spark transmitter, receiver and telegraph key. Representatives of the ARRL will host an informational Amateur Radio exhibit during the event. NNNN /EX