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ARRL Sections - Western Pennsylvania

Western Pennsylvania

Western Pennsylvania

Contact Information

Section Name:
Western Pennsylvania
Joe Shupienis W3BC
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

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Western Pennsylvania Section News

3 October 2024

It's my pleasure to announce that ARRL Headquarters notified me I was re-elected to serve a fifth term as the Western Pennsylvania Section Manager. It has been both an honor and a pleasure to serve you for the past 8 years. We all have a lot to look forward to during the next two years.

Our Western Pennsylvania Section will celebrate 100 years of service to the radio amateurs and the citizens living in the western 33 counties of our Commonwealth. As we enter our second century, we will celebrate our rich history, and make plans for keeping amateur radio an important part of our communities, by furthering our collective interests in public service, providing trained communicators and technical experts, and continuing to advance the radio art.

In the 21st century we face new challenges and new opportunities to contribute our knowledge, skills and service to our communities, especially with support for STEM curricula in our schools. Our ARRL Field Service Organization of volunteer appointees will continue to stand ready to assist our communities in times of need, acting in partnership with other agencies and volunteer groups.

The impacts of COVID-19 affected many of our WPA Section amateur radio clubs. Sadly, we have lost many friends and mentors, and some groups are noticing sharp declines in membership and participation. We must all make a continuing commitment to support amateur radio activities and encourage people young and old to become active hams.

ARRL is expanding and supporting the efforts of our Field Service Organization volunteers, introducing exciting new projects and enhancing our existing Club, VE, ARES and NTS programs to meet the needs of the mid-21st century. These initiatives will certainly succeed with experienced leadership and enthusiastic support by our WPA Section staff.

As these and other new programs are rolled out, our seasoned team of volunteers will continue our traditions of Service, Integrity and Excellence. By continuing our work to keep amateur radio an important part of our clubs, schools, and communities, there will be no limits to what we can achieve!

73 and Press ON!

Joe Shupienis W3BC
Western Pennsylvania Section Manager

WPA ARRL Website, WPA ARRL Facebook Group

Western Pennsylvania Officials

  • Cory Sickles

    Public Info Coordinator,
    Affiliated Club Coordinator

    Cory G B Sickles WA3UVV

  • Joe Shupienis

    Section Manager

    Joe Shupienis W3BC

  • Juan Manfredi

    Assistant Section Manager

    Juan J. Manfredi NA0B

  • Bruce Gibson

    Section Youth Coordinator

    Bruce E. Gibson K3BEG

  • David Wellman

    Assistant Section Manager

    David M. Wellman WX3E

  • Carmine Prestia

    Assistant Section Manager

    Carmine W. Prestia K3CWP

  • Kevin Lear

    Section Emergency Coordinator

    Kevin P. Lear W3XOX

  • Lloyd Roach

    State Government Liaison

    Lloyd Bankson Roach K3QNT

  • Curtis McCormick

    Technical Coordinator

    Curtis L. McCormick WU3U


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