Western Tidewater Radio Assn.

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Western Tidewater Radio Assn.
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Richard B. Harrell W4RBH
- Daytime Phone:
- (757) 560-0867
- Email:
- WT4RA@arrl.net
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Jan 14th 2021
- Meeting Time:
- 2nd Mon, 2nd Month of Qtr, 7:30 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Email will be sent to Club members noting location.
- Section:
- VA
- Affiliation Date:
- Dec 28th 1995
- Specialties:
- Digital Modes, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, License Test Sessions, Mentor, Repeater
- Description:
Western Tidewater Radio Association – 2021 Activities Report
Meetings: The WTRA holds 5 meetings each year. Meetings are normally held at Isle of Wight County Volunteer Rescue Squad building.
o January 9, 2017 – Annual Business Meeting
o February 20, 2017 – Program Meeting
o May 8, 2017 – Program Meeting and Field Day Planning
o August, 14, 2017 – Program Meeting
o November 13 – Program Meeting
Eye Ball Breakfast QSO’s: These are held at the Dairy Queen in Windsor, VA, whenever a holiday falls on a Monday. 2017 dates are as follows:
o January 16, 2017 – MLK Day
o February 20, 2017 – President’s Day
o April 17, 2017 – Easter Monday
o May 29, 2017 – Memorial Day
o September 4, 2017 – Labor Day
o September 11, 2017 – Patriot Day
o October 9, 2017 – Columbus Day
ARRL Annual Field Day: The WTRA will continue its support for the annual Field Day on June 24 and 25, 2017.
ARES/RACES Support: The WTRA supports Virginia ARES/RACES District 10 as follows:
o Provide manning in EOC’s and Shelters during drills and activations
o Operate repeaters on 147.195 MHz and 442.825 MHz to support communications within District 10, communications between eastern Virginia and the Virginia State EOC in Richmond, and which provide IRLP, EchoLink, and Remote Base capabilities.
o Support the Virginia Operational Planned Exercise (VOPEX) in late July which simulates an emergency situation at the Surry Nuclear Power Plant with amateur radio stations operating in the Isle of Wight and Surry EOC’s, a station at the Isle of Wight Staging Area, and a station riding with the Field Radiation Survey Team. Out of Sequence demonstrations and a dress rehearsal are supported in Late June and the actual drill is supported in late July.
Virginia Air and Space Center (VASC) in Hampton, VA: The WTRA is a supporting club for the VASC Amateur Radio Group which operates an amateur radio demonstration station (KE4ZXW) at the center. WTRA members man the display each Wednesday and Friday throughout the year and demonstrate amateur radio to school groups and visitors at the VASC. On occasion school groups have the opportunity to talk directly with astronauts on the International Space Station.
Bicycling Events: Isle of Wight County is a popular area for bicycling events. In 2016 the WTRA was supported these events as requested by the event organizers and plans to continue this practice in 2017.
Randy Grigg, WB4KZI
WTRA President
March 21, 2017
- Links:
- http://www.wt4ra.org
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 58
- Voting Members:
- 49
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 49
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 33
Western Tidewater Radio Assn. Officers
Contact, Treasurer
Richard B. Harrell W4RBH -
Gregory J. Feistel N4DIR -
Gene S. Tyler WA4JUO -
Vice President
Walter W. Moore W4DXZ