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ARRL Sections - Wyoming



Contact Information

Section Name:
Garth Crowe
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

Basic Information

Rocky Mountain

Hello Wyoming Hams


I would like to take a moment to thank all the ham's in the Wyoming section for all their assistance in their neck of the woods and tor the section in 2023 and am looking forward to 2024. We are looking for a club to sponsor the 2024 Wyoming Section Hamfest. We are also looking for a club or two to host the 2025 Rocky Mountain Division convention. If interested reach out to me at [email protected]

73 your section manager Garth


VOLUNTEERS ON THE AIR is in full swing work all bands and enjoy the year. Wyoming has an opportunity to host W1AW/7 twice this year. The first is the week of May 31 and the second the week of Nov 8.

Calling all affiliated clubs it would be nice for all our clubs to host operating during these two weeks. Our section coordinator for the event is Lee Milner in Torrington. If you would like to participate contact him at [email protected]. with your contact information. 

Also if you are an ARRL Affilated club please update your info on the ARRL website and send me an E-mail with your contact info at [email protected]. as the information I currently have is not up to date.

have a great week and see you on the air


from WY7GC.


As we celebrate the holidays I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Stay safe and enjoy your family and friends. Remember the season.

73 WY7GC

Just a note to re-introduce myself and KD5HTJ RheaAnn. I will be your new Section Manager. If you need anything dont hesitate to contact me. 

Thanks Rick for your leadership for the last few years, and thanks for staying on as ASM. I am looking forward to continuing the work you have started.

I also would like to give Cudos to all that participated in the planning and execution of the Rocky Mountain Division Convention in Cheyenne last weekend it was great to see some that we haven't seen for a while.

Rick Roderick and Joe had some great comments and stories lol.

Also thanks to all that participated in the Wouff Hong ceremony you were troopers and did a great job.



 Merry Christmas from N1TEK and WY7AJB








April 17, 2019


The Wyoming Section wiki page is sorely out of date. I took the liberty of removing lots of unused pages and did a little updating.

If you have had access or want to help with keeping this page viable for the section, please email me with any information you would like posted.

The webpage is:






April 2, 2019


Greeting Everyone!

As your new Section Manager, I thought I would introduce myself.

I am retired a Navy Senior Chief Electronics Technician after serving 24
years. Married with two grown boys. My wife Amy is call sign WY7AJB. We
served in the Midwest, both coasts, Guam and Germany.

I got my license in 2007 and tested straight to General. YES. I am a
no-code operator. I upgraded to Amateur Extra in 2015. I enjoy
contesting and some digital.

Beside being your Section Manager, I am the President of the Sweetwater
Amateur Radio Club, the VEC for testing locally, PIO and local
Government liaison.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Jack Mitchell N7MJ for his
previous leadership and service and mentorship to me as I step into this

There has been a lot of public discussion lately of the ARRL Technician
Enhancement Proposal officially designated RM-11828 to add limited HF
privileges to the Technician License.

There has been a working group for years soliciting input from radio
amateurs to your Directors before this proposal was ever put forward.

I understand many of you worked hard learning code to get your license
and it took time. In many cases, lots of time. That doesn’t mean we
shouldn’t change with the times. When Marconi and the OM first got
into radio, I don’t think they envisioned satellites, but they are a
regular part of our operating today.

For those of you who feel strongly against this proposal, make your
feelings known to the FCC by the April 15th deadline. If they get enough
negative feedback the likelihood of them approving it is small.

To threaten to sever ties with the ARRL over this is counter-productive.
The ARRL does many good things for our community from LOTW, the QST with
non-biased reviews of equipment, sending out speakers for conventions,

I think we get a lot for our membership.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the next





ARRL Wyoming Section on Facebook

The Wyoming Section Facebook page is the “heartbeat” of the section. 

Wyoming Section Facebook

Big Horn Basin ARC

Wyoming DMR Project


Sweetwater ARC

North East Wyoming ARC


There very well could be others. Please let me know if I’ve missed any. 

 I need your input to keep it updated and viable.

Rick Breininger







Wyoming Section of the ARRL

Wyoming Officials

  • Garth Crowe

    Section Manager

    Garth L. Crowe WY7GC

  • Michael Whitmore

    Assistant Section Manager

    Michael Whitmore W7MEW

  • Mark Harris

    State Government Liaison

    Mark O. Harris W7MOH

  • John Cranmer

    Assistant Section Manager

    John A. Cranmer WY7VAF

  • Beth Harris

    Assistant Section Manager

    Beth A. Harris KJ7FC

  • Robert Bragg

    Section Emergency Coordinator

    Robert Bragg WY7AA

  • James Stith

    Section Youth Coordinator

    James E. Stith KI7URL

  • Jerry Pyle

    Section Traffic Manager

    Jerry L. Pyle WB7S


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