Amateur Radio Direction Finding Fund
ARDF is a radio sports activity within the framework of the Amateur Radio service. It deals with the taking of radio bearings and finding transmitters, constructing direction-finding equipment, training amateurs in the rules of the sport, and organizing events in the USA and other IARU countries. ARDF brings radios into the great outdoors with maps and compasses, providing a uniquely enjoyable way to learn new radio skills.
Interest and participation in ARDF activities are growing, and the ARRL provides encouragement and support for ARDF activities across the United States. Events often take place at Amateur Radio conventions and hamfests as a magnet to Amateur Radio for youth and others. Championship competitions are held annually to help decide membership on the US team at the ARDF World Championships.
For information about ARDF activities in the USA, contact the ARRL ARDF Committee at [email protected] or visit
Contributions to the ARDF Fund
ARRL welcomes contributions to the ARDF Fund from clubs and individuals to support direction finding events.
- Contributions cannot be made for disbursement to a specific individual.
- Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Checks should be made payable to ARRL ARDF Fund and mailed to ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington CT 06111 USA.
ARDF Grant requests
Grant proposals will be accepted only from groups sponsoring ARDF events in the US or individuals who have qualified to represent the US in ARDF competitions sanctioned by the ARRL or the IARU.
Grant proposals should be submitted electronically to the Development Office by email and must be received at least 60 days in advance of the date when funds are required.
Grant proposals will be reviewed by the ARRL Chief Executive Officer, the ARRL Chief Development Officer, and the ARDF Committee.
The ARRL will make decisions on the disbursement of funds.
Questions about the Amateur Radio Direction Finding Fund? Please call the Development Office at 860-594-0291.
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