ARRL Handbook
This web page is for information that extends or supports the ARRL Handbook beginning with the 2011 edition. The section for each edition contains links to supplemental files and software, non-ARRL documents, and errata and corrections. To purchase the book, click here or browse to the ARRL Store where you can also find numerous other technical references from the ARRL, RSGB, and other sources.
Errata are listed by the edition for which the errata was reported. Earlier editions may contain the same error.
Printed-circuit boards for many current and previous Handbook projects are available from FAR Circuits.
ARRL Handbook Edition
Supplemental Information and Errata-
Additional supplemental information and files are included here. Errata are posted as they are reported and verified.
2023 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.
This Excel spreadsheet by Lou Ernst, WA2GKH, illustrates charging and discharging time constants. The following .pdf provides a brief explanation.
Chapter 3 - Radio Fundamentals
Lou Ernst, WA2GKH has provided this interesting Excel spreadsheet for experimenting with and comparing waveforms. Waveforms can be generated automatically or customized, arbitrary waveforms can be entered by the user.
Chapter 14 - Transceiver Design Topics
The GNU Radio community has developed an extensive set of video tutorials and presentations on GNU Radio in various ways. They are available on the GNU Radio YouTube channel.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
The book Care and Feeding of Power Tubes has been generously made available courtesy of Communications and Power Industries ( — Eimac is a division of CPI). The book consists of six PDF sections covering all phases of tube operation and design.
Chapter 1 - Table of Contents and Figure List
Chapter 2 - Introduction and What Is a Power Grid Tube?
Chapter 3 - Electrical Design Considerations
Chapter 4 - Linear Amplifier and Single-Sideband Service
Chapter 5 - Neutralization
Chapter 6 - Operating Conditions for Various Applications
Chapter 19 - Propagation
19.3.1 MUF Forecasts
For many years, ARRL published charts similar to the Handbook's Figure 19.23 to forecast average propagation for a one-month period over specific paths. These charts are no longer published, but customizable charts are available online from Charts like the one in the figure assumed a single average solar flux value for the entire month and they assume that the geomagnetic field is undisturbed.Errata and Corrections - 2023 Edition - 08 Jan 2025
Chapter 19
19.2.3: Sunspots, Page 19.10 - The y-axis in Figure 19.B representing the "Smoothed sunspot number (V2)" for the Cycle 25 Status graph should instead have the values listed as "0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250."
2022 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.This Excel spreadsheet by Lou Ernst, WA2GKH, illustrates charging and discharging time constants. The following .pdf provides a brief explanation.
Chapter 3 - Radio Fundamentals
Lou Ernst, WA2GKH has provided this interesting Excel spreadsheet for experimenting with and comparing waveforms. Waveforms can be generated automatically or customized, arbitrary waveforms can be entered by the user.
Chapter 14 - Transceiver Design Topics
The GNU Radio community has developed an extensive set of video tutorials and presentations on GNU Radio in various ways. They are available on the GNU Radio YouTube channel.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
The book Care and Feeding of Power Tubes has been generously made available courtesy of Communications and Power Industries ( — Eimac is a division of CPI). The book consists of six PDF sections covering all phases of tube operation and design.
Chapter 1 - Table of Contents and Figure List
Chapter 2 - Introduction and What Is a Power Grid Tube?
Chapter 3 - Electrical Design Considerations
Chapter 4 - Linear Amplifier and Single-Sideband Service
Chapter 5 - Neutralization
Chapter 6 - Operating Conditions for Various Applications
Chapter 19 - Propagation
19.3.1 MUF Forecasts
For many years, ARRL published charts similar to the Handbook's Figure 19.23 to forecast average propagation for a one-month period over specific paths. These charts are no longer published, but customizable charts are available online from Charts like the one in the figure assumed a single average solar flux value for the entire month and they assume that the geomagnetic field is undisturbed.
Errata and Corrections - 2022 Edition - 29 Nov 2021
28.1.8 - Grounding and Bonding, page 28.8: The reference to CEGR needs to be updated as follows: The section specifies a #8 AWG conductor however the NEC requires a #4 AWG conductor and references this as a CEG not a CEGR. There is also no reference that the conductor must be within two inches of the surface of the concrete in contact with the Earth. The conductor must be copper or it may be a twenty foot length of ½” steel rebar. (Thanks, Bruce W3YVV) -
2021 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.
Chapter 3 - Radio Fundamentals
Lou Ernst, WA2GKH has provided this interesting Excel spreadsheet for experimenting with and comparing waveforms. Waveforms can be generated automatically or customized, arbitrary waveforms can be entered by the user.
Chapter 14 - Transceiver Design Topics
The GNU Radio community has developed an extensive set of video tutorials and presentations on GNU Radio in various ways. They are available on the GNU Radio YouTube channel.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
The book Care and Feeding of Power Tubes has been generously made available courtesy of Communications and Power Industries ( — Eimac is a division of CPI). The book consists of six PDF sections covering all phases of tube operation and design.
Chapter 1 - Table of Contents and Figure List
Chapter 2 - Introduction and What Is a Power Grid Tube?
Chapter 3 - Electrical Design Considerations
Chapter 4 - Linear Amplifier and Single-Sideband Service
Chapter 5 - Neutralization
Chapter 6 - Operating Conditions for Various Applications
Chapter 19 - Propagation
19.3.1 MUF Forecasts
For many years, ARRL published charts similar to the Handbook's Figure 19.23 to forecast average propagation for a one-month period over specific paths. These charts are no longer published, but customizable charts are available online from Charts like the one in the figure assumed a single average solar flux value for the entire month and they assume that the geomagnetic field is undisturbed.Chapter 3 - Radio Fundamentals
Page 3.19 - in the rightmost column, the equation:
sin theta = side opposite/hypotenuse = X / absolute value Z
should read:
cos theta = side adjacent / hypotenuse = R / absolute value Z
The example that uses the equations for X and R is correct.
Chapter 6 - Computer-Aided Design
Page 6.15 - the reference entry for Würth Electronics is titled Simulation in LTspice IV.
Chapter 13 - Transmitting
Figure 13.36 - the wrong image for section A was used. Here is the correct figure.
Figures 13.65 and 13.68 should be exchanged, including the captions.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Figure 21.8 was omitted from the book. The figure can be downloaded here.
Chapter 25 - Test Equipment and Measurements
In the first full paragraph, the statement that autoranging meters prevent damage below the specified maximum refers to analog meters (and some older digital meters) that could be damaged if a voltage above the selected range was applied, forcing the meter movement or an attenuator setting too far past full-scale. For autoranging digital meters, as long as the voltage is within the instrument's specified maximum limit, the meter will automatically change scale to display any voltage.
Image Communications
Bibliography and References section:
- Mel Shadbolt, WØKYQ, should be listed with ATV Research, not ATCO.
- The full URL for Sparano, D., “What Exactly Is 8-VSB Anyway?" is
2020 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Software Utilities (28 July 2020)
Tonne Software
Jim Tonne, W4ENE has generously made available a collection of software from his Tonne Software website including the professional-quality filter design software, ELSIE, and the meter face design aid, MeterBasic. You can download this collection as a 28.5 Mbyte ZIP file by clicking HERE. This package includes the following programs:
Elsie - LC filter design
MeterBasic - meter face layout designer
SVCFilter - creates designs based on Standard Value Components of the 5% tolerance series
OptLowpass - optimized amateur-band transmitter output filters
Helical - helical resonator bandpass filters in the VHF and UHF range
Pi-EL - impedance matching network designer
Diplexer network designer - for custom diplexer designs
JJSmith - a Smith chart design aid
QuadNet - designs active allpass networks for single-sideband signal generation
ClassE - amplifier design software using Class E topology
Tower - computes feed point impedance at the base of a vertical antenna over ideal ground
Pizza - generates printable azimuth-equidistant or rectangular maps showing the great-circle path and the sunrise-sunset terminator between your location and selectable prefixes, cities or lat/lon coordinates.All programs are self-installing Windows 32-bit software. See the Tonne Software website for questions and instructions for running the software. Newer versions may be available independently on the Tonne Software website.
This section is for software utilities and other programsreferenced in the Handbook or which support the Handbook material and are not included in the main download package. Check the web page for earlier editions for other software.
Software by Phil Karn, KA9Q
The package of software routines by Phil Karn, KA9Q, are available from his GIT repository at The packages are organized in several compressed tar files and there are packages specifically to support the funcube dongle SDR. He has also created a WWV emulator which is available at The software and associated documentation will be updated by KA9Q as time and other interests permit.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
The utility program MATCH.EXE was omitted from this edition's downloadable set of software. You may download it and the associated PDF documents by clicking here.
Chapter 20 - Transmission Lines
The concept of impedance matching is explained by Lou Ernst, WA2GKH in a two-part tutorial "Load to Source Matching". The tutorial consists of a text-and-figures presentation that explains the concept and process. The presentation is accompanied by an Excel spreadsheet that allows the student to experiment and observe the effects of matching.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Bill Wortman, N6MW has contributed GAMMAMW4 to correct an error in the previous version of GAMMA in which the software failed to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value. The new code fixes that problem.
Click on the program name to download the new program as a zip file, GAMMAMW4. It is a simple text-based application that runs in a command prompt (C:\) window and does not require a full Windows installation procedure. Unzip (extract) the program and double-click it to launch it.
To use the program, you will need to know:
- frequency of operation in MHz
- feed point impedance of the antenna's driven element in R + jX form
- feed line characteristic impedance
- the driven element diameter (D)*
- the gamma rod diameter (d)*
- spacing between the outer surfaces of the driven element and the gamma rod (S)*Enter these values and the program will provide complete outputs including supporting parameters. * - all dimensions must be in the same units, typically inches or cm.
The ARRL extends its thanks to N6WM for his contribution, as well as to Greg Ordy W8WWV for making some tests of the code.
Supplemental Files, Information, and Links
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.
Chapter 14 - Transceiver Design Topics
The GNU Radio community has developed an extensive set of video tutorials and presentations on GNU Radio in various ways. They are available on the GNU Radio YouTube channel.
Errata and Corrections (22 June 2020)
Chapter 4
The first equation of section 4.1.5 on Current Dividers has the left parenthesis in the wrong place. It should read:
Chapter 7
In Figure 7.66(B) - the output connection should be made to the N.O. (normally open) contact instead of the N.C. (normally closed) contact.
Chapter 11
In section 11.1.1, the reference to should be
2019 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Software Utilities
Tonne Software
Jim Tonne, W4ENE has generously made available a collection of software from his Tonne Software website including the professional-quality filter design software, ELSIE, and the meter face design aid, MeterBasic. You can download this collection as a 28.5 Mbyte ZIP file by clicking HERE. This package includes the following programs:
ELSIE - filter design
MeterBasic - meter face layout designer
SVC Filter - creates designs based on Standard Value Components of the 5% tolerance series
OptLowpass - optimized amateur-band transmitter output filters
Helical - helical resonator bandpass filters in the VHF and UHF range
Pi-EL - impedance matching network designer
Diplexer network designer - for custom diplexer designs
JJ Smith - a Smith chart design aid
QuadNet - designs active allpass networks for single-sideband signal generation
Class E - amplifier design software using Class E topology
Tower - computes feed point impedance at the base of a vertical antenna over ideal groundPIZZA - generates printable azimuth-equidistant or rectangular maps showing the great-circle path and the sunrise-sunset terminator between your location and selectable prefixes, cities or lat/lon coordinates.
All programs are self-installing Windows 32-bit software. See the Tonne Software website for questions and instructions for running the software. Newer versions may be available independently on the Tonne Software website.
This section is for software utilities and other programsreferenced in the Handbook or which support the Handbook material and are not included in the main download package. Check the web page for earlier editions for other software.
Software by Phil Karn, KA9Q
The package of software routines by Phil Karn, KA9Q, are being moved and the new location will be published here when they are again available. The packages are organized in several compressed tar files and there are packages specifically to support the funcube dongle SDR. He has also created a WWV emulator which is included with the software routines. The software and associated documentation will be updated by KA9Q as time and other interests permit.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Bill Wortman, N6MW has contributed GAMMAMW4 to correct an error in the previous version of GAMMA in which the software failed to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value. The new code fixes that problem.
Click on the program name to download the new program as a zip file, GAMMAMW4. It is a simple text-based application that runs in a command prompt (C:\) window and does not require a full Windows installation procedure. Unzip (extract) the program and double-click it to launch it.
To use the program, you will need to know:
- frequency of operation in MHz
- feed point impedance of the antenna's driven element in R + jX form
- feed line characteristic impedance
- the driven element diameter (D)*
- the gamma rod diameter (d)*
- spacing between the outer surfaces of the driven element and the gamma rod (S)*Enter these values and the program will provide complete outputs including supporting parameters. * - all dimensions must be in the same units, typically inches or cm.
The ARRL extends its thanks to N6WM for his contribution, as well as to Greg Ordy W8WWV for making some tests of the code.
Supplemental Information
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.
Chapter 5 - RF Techniques
The supplemental article "The Galactic Background in the Upper HF Band" by Dave Typinski AJ4CO was omitted from the download package. It can be downloaded here.
Section 5.6.2 - Pi Networks
Ed W6ONT asked about the relationship between RS-RL in Figure 5.58 and R1-R2 in the calculations on page 5.25.
R1 and R2 are generic values for impedances - either could be the source or the load. As stated on page 5.26 in the middle column, R1 must be greater than R2 ("R1 > R2"). Figure 5.58 requires that RS < RL, so RL corresponds to R1 and RS corresponds to R2.
Chapter 10 - Analog and Digital Filtering
Section 10.10.5, "Diplexer Filter" - the W4ENE program DIPLEXER makes short work of designing this type of filter. It is included in the downloadable supplemental material for the Handbook. The software is available as part of the downloadable supplemental content with other software from Tonnesoft.
Chapter 11 - Modulation
The caption for Figure 11.46 is not completely clear about the spacings of the various tones and modulation products. The third-order IMD products are separated from the tone modulation sidebands by the difference of the audio tone frequencies, 1 kHz in the example, and the fifth-order IMD products by twice that, or 2 kHz. The separation of the IMD products themselves, however, is calculated here by Gerald, VA2GLU:
The 3rd-order products occurring near the signals F1 and F2 are
2F1 - F2 and 2F2 - F1
Thus, the frequency separation of these signals is
2F1 - F2 - (2F2 - F1) = 3F1 - 3F2 = 3(F1 - F2)
i.e., 3 times the frequency separation of F1 and F2, which is 3 kHz in this example.
Likewise, 5th-order products closest to the frequencies of F1 and F2 are separated by
5(F1 - F2), which is 5 kHz in this example.
Chapter 14 - Transceiver Design Topics
The GNU Radio community has developed an extensive set of video tutorials and presentations on GNU Radio in various ways. They are available on the GNU Radio YouTube channel.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Following production of the 2019 edition, additional material on the article "Design of a Two-band Loaded Dipole Antenna" by David Birnbaum, K2LYV was published. The entire article and Birnbaum's additional comments are available here.
Chapter 22 - Component Data and References
Guy K2AV contributes the following information about powdered-iron toroids from various sources to supplement the information in Table 22.16:
8 Mix (Yel/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=35 replaces mix #6
18 Mix (Grn/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=55, low core loss, similar to mix #8
40 Mix (Grn/Yel) Power conversion similar to mix #26
52 Mix (Grn/Blu) dc-1 MHz, u=75, high permeabilityChapter 27 - RF Interference
Mark Kupferschmid, AC9PR, built this very nice version of the RF sniffer circuit in the RFI Projects section.
Chapter 29 - Space Communications
See the Chapter 5 entry above regarding the paper on Galactic Noise by AJ4CO.
Errata and Corrections
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
Page 2.6 - in the right-hand column, there is a typo in the equation for E3. The correct equation is:
E3 = I x R3 = 0.00758 A x 8000 Ω = 60.6 V
Page 2.7 - in the middle column, this sentence should refer to Figure 2.6A: "For example, to find the equivalent resistance for the circuit in Figure 2.6A: Combine R2 and R3 to create the equivalent single resistor, REQ whose value is equal to R2 and R3 in parallel."
Figure 2.44, page 2.31 - the schematic for the CMOS inverter at A is, itself, inverted. The P-channel device should be the upper transistor. (This error was present in earlier editions, as well.)
Section 2.3.6, page 2.7 - in the middle column, the references to Figure 2.5A and 2.5B should be to Figure 2.6A and 2.6B.
Chapter 3 - Radio Fundamentals
Page 3.7 - in the left-hand column, the formula for ERMS is duplicated.
Page 3.20 - in the left-hand column below the calculation for |Z|, replace the value 308 Ω with 323 Ω. This correction also applies to the calculation for θ.
Section 3.6.3 on Admittance - the convention for susceptances should be changed such that capacitive susceptance is positive and inductive susceptance is negative. The phase angle for admittance should also be the negative of the equivalent impedance.
Page 3.40 - the equation for power per unit area would be clearer if E is replaced by V (for volts) and H is replaced by A (for amperes).
Page 3.42 - in the middle column, the reference to Figure 3.51 should be to Figure 3.58.
Chapter 4 - Circuits and Components
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
Chapter 11 - Modulation
The equation on page 11.3 should read
Csin(2πfCt) + ((C*M)/2)sin((2π(fC + fM)t) + ((C*M)/2)sin((2π(fC - fM)t))
Chapter 17 - RF Amplifiers
Figure 17.15 - the caption was cut off at the end of the second sentence. It should read, "...pi-L network at bottom right."
2018 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Tonne Software
Jim Tonne, W4ENE has generously made available a collection of software from his Tonne Software website including the professional-quality filter design software, ELSIE, and the meter face design aid, MeterBasic. The latest versions are available on the web page for the Handbook's current edition. This package includes the following programs:
ELSIE - filter design
MeterBasic - meter face layout designer
SVC Filter - creates designs based on Standard Value Components of the 5% tolerance series
OptLowpass - optimized amateur-band transmitter output filters
Helical - helical resonator bandpass filters in the VHF and UHF range
Pi-EL - impedance matching network designer
Diplexer network designer - for custom diplexer designs
JJ Smith - a Smith chart design aid
QuadNet - designs active allpass networks for single-sideband signal generation
Class E - amplifier design software using Class E topology
Tower - computes feed point impedance at the base of a vertical antenna over ideal groundPIZZA - generates printable azimuth-equidistant or rectangular maps showing the great-circle path and the sunrise-sunset terminator between your location and selectable prefixes, cities or lat/lon coordinates.
All programs are self-installing Windows 32-bit software. See the Tonne Software website for questions and instructions for running the software. Newer versions may be available independently on the Tonne Software website.
Software Utilities
This section is for software utilities and other programsreferenced in the Handbook or which support the Handbook material.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
TubeCalculator, a Windows application by Bentley Chan and John Stanley, K4ERO, accompanies the tube type RF power amplifier discussion in the RF Power Amplifiers chapter. First, download the TubeCalculator ZIP file to your computer. To install, click on the file name and follow the instructions. All files needed to run the software, along with a tutorial and characteristic curves for many popular amplifier tubes, will be installed in the TubeCalculator folder.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Bill Wortman, N6MW has contributed GAMMAMW4 to correct an error in the previous version of GAMMA in which the software failed to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value. The new code fixes that problem.
Click on the program name to download the new program as a zip file, GAMMAMW4. It is a simple text-based application that runs in a command prompt (C:\) window and does not require a full Windows installation procedure. Unzip (extract) the program and double-click it to launch it.
To use the program, you will need to know:
- frequency of operation in MHz
- feed point impedance of the antenna's driven element in R + jX form
- feed line characteristic impedance
- the driven element diameter (D)*
- the gamma rod diameter (d)*
- spacing between the outer surfaces of the driven element and the gamma rod (S)*Enter these values and the program will provide complete outputs including supporting parameters. * - all dimensions must be in the same units, typically inches or cm.
The ARRL extends its thanks to N6WM for his contribution, as well as to Greg Ordy W8WWV for making some tests of the code.
Supplemental Files and Links
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.
Chapter 22 - Component Data and References
Guy K2AV contributes the following information about powdered-iron toroids from various sources to supplement the information in Table 22.16:
8 Mix (Yel/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=35 replaces mix #6
18 Mix (Grn/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=55, low core loss, similar to mix #8
40 Mix (Grn/Yel) Power conversion similar to mix #26
52 Mix (Grn/Blu) dc-1 MHz, u=75, high permeabilityERRATA - 2018 EDITION
Some readers report that the version Adobe Reader Touch, provided with Microsoft Apps, does not support all of the PDF features. If this is a problem, download the free Adobe Reader DC from the Adobe website at which does support the necessary elements, such as bookmarks. Note that the website for downloads will also download a Google Chrome extension and two McAfee security applications unless you opt out by unchecking the necessary boxes.
Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, was mistakenly left off the title page's list of contributors to this edition. Joe updated material in Chapter 23 - Construction Techniques and has made regular improvements to the chapter over the past few editions. Earl McCune, WA6SUH, who updated material in the Oscillators chapter, is mistakenly given a new last name of McClure on the same page. Ken Cechura KC9UMR's name was also misspelt Apologies from the editor, Joe, Earl, and Ken!
Chapter 4 - Analog Basics
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
Chapter 10 - Analog and Digital Filtering
Figures 10.61 and 10.62 are reversed. In the passive filter, C3 is 1.7883 uF, should be 2.5702 uF. C4 is 3.7834 uF, should be 5.8786 uF. C5 is 1.7883 uF, should be 2.5702 uF.(If you have W4ENE's article from Mar/Apr 2017 QEX, the values in that article's Figure 18 are correct. The correct schematic is downloadable as a JPEG file here.)
Chapter 11 - Modulation
The equation on page 11.3 should read
Csin(2πfCt) + ((C*M)/2)sin((2π(fC + fM)t) + ((C*M)/2)sin((2π(fC - fM)t)
Chapter 13 - Transmitting
Page 13.32 - in the section "Preamplifier" - the first paragraph's reference to R3 should be to R4 and the reference to R11 should be to R12. (Both components are properly labeled in the schematic.) It should be noted that the "flat response out to 3 kHz" includes a peak of several dB at 2500 Hz mentioned later in the section.
Figure 13.51 - the caption should read "Frequency response at various points within the speech amplifier."
Figure 13.52 - R12 is shown as 29k but should be 20k.
Figure 13.54 - the unlabeled dual photodiode block should be labeled "D2R2". R8A and R8B are actually a 5k pot with the midpoint connected to the wiper contact, similarly to R7.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
Figure 17.15 - the caption was cut off at the end of the second sentence. It should read, "...a pi_l network at bottom right."
The figures 17.A2 and 17.A3 on page 17.13 are switched. Also, the Smith chart figure, which is printed as A3, but should be A2, is in some print copies missing the thin dashed line referred to in the 4th paragraph. The figure is available here.Chapter 21 - Antennas
Table 21.1A - the 60 meter dipole total length should be 87 ft, not 7, and the frequency is 5.37 MHz.
Table 21.1B - the 80 meter dipole data is shifted right one column and the leg lengths are 66 ft 1 in and 20.8 meters.
Chapter 24 - Station Construction
Figure 24.16 - the photo credit should go to Bob Lee, WØGXA, and the shelving is actually at the station of Toni Radebaugh, NØNI.
2017 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
See the 2016 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata page for software utilities and links.
Chapter 3 - Analog Basics
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
2016 Edition - Supplemental Information and Errata+
Tonne Software
Jim Tonne, W4ENE has generously made available a collection of software from his Tonne Software website including the professional-quality filter design software, ELSIE, and the meter face design aid, MeterBasic. The latest versions are available on the web page for the Handbook's current edition. This package includes the following programs:
ELSIE - filter design
MeterBasic - meter face layout designer
SVC Filter - creates designs based on Standard Value Components of the 5% tolerance series
OptLowpass - optimized amateur-band transmitter output filters
Helical - helical resonator bandpass filters in the VHF and UHF range
Pi-EL - impedance matching network designer
Diplexer network designer - for custom diplexer designs
JJ Smith - a Smith chart design aid
QuadNet - designs active allpass networks for single-sideband signal generation
Class E - amplifier design software using Class E topology
Tower - computes feed point impedance at the base of a vertical antenna over ideal groundPIZZA - generates printable azimuth-equidistant or rectangular maps showing the great-circle path and the sunrise-sunset terminator between your location and selectable prefixes, cities or lat/lon coordinates.
All programs are self-installing Windows 32-bit software. See the Tonne Software website for questions and instructions for running the software. Newer versions may be available independently on the Tonne Software website.
Software Utilities
This section is for software utilities and other programsreferenced in the Handbook or which support the Handbook material.
Installation instructions for the Windows-based software provided on the book's CD-ROM on the README.TXT and PDF instructions. The README.TXT file is available for download here and the PDF set of installation instructions can be downloaded here.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
TubeCalculator, a Windows application by Bentley Chan and John Stanley, K4ERO, accompanies the tube type RF power amplifier discussion in the RF Power Amplifiers chapter. First, download the TubeCalculator ZIP file to your computer. To install, click on the file name and follow the instructions. All files needed to run the software, along with a tutorial and characteristic curves for many popular amplifier tubes, will be installed in the TubeCalculator folder.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Bill Wortman, N6MW has contributed GAMMAMW4 to correct an error in the previous version of GAMMA in which the software failed to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value. The new code fixes that problem.
Click on the program name to download the new program as a zip file, GAMMAMW4. It is a simple text-based application that runs in a command prompt (C:\) window and does not require a full Windows installation procedure. Unzip (extract) the program and double-click it to launch it.
To use the program, you will need to know:
- frequency of operation in MHz
- feed point impedance of the antenna's driven element in R + jX form
- feed line characteristic impedance
- the driven element diameter (D)*
- the gamma rod diameter (d)*
- spacing between the outer surfaces of the driven element and the gamma rod (S)*Enter these values and the program will provide complete outputs including supporting parameters. * - all dimensions must be in the same units, typically inches or cm.
The ARRL extends its thanks to N6WM for his contribution, as well as to Greg Ordy W8WWV for making some tests of the code.
Supplemental Files and Links
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
This downloadable Radio Mathematics document includes a discussion of decibels and coordinates, along with a list of online tutorials on a variety of subjects that may be encountered when working with radio circuits and equipment.
Chapter 22 - Component Data and References
Guy K2AV contributes the following information about powdered-iron toroids from various sources to supplement the information in Table 22.16:
8 Mix (Yel/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=35 replaces mix #6
18 Mix (Grn/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=55, low core loss, similar to mix #8
40 Mix (Grn/Yel) Power conversion similar to mix #26
52 Mix (Grn/Blu) dc-1 MHz, u=75, high permeabilityErrata and Corrections (8 Dec 2015)
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
Figure 2.5 - the caption text should conclude "...reducing the resistance between them."
Chapter 3 - Analog Basics
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
Chapter 22 - Component Data and References
Table 22.59 Computer Connector Pinouts - the top part of the graphic is not reproduced in the CD-ROM PDF version of this table. The complete graphic may be downloaded here.
Chapter 3 - Analog Basics
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
Chapter 5 - RF Techniques
A copy of the article "Simplified Design of Matching Networks Part III" is missing from the collection of supplemental files on the CD-ROM. Download the article here.
Chapter 9 - Oscillators and Synthesizers
On page 9-10, Figure 9.11, there are two footnotes at the bottom of the figure that have been partially cut off in the printing process. Click here to download a PDF replacement page.
Errata by chapter
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
Page 2.23: In the left-hand column's first full paragraph, the second sentence should read "Since there is no current path between the two, the plates remain charged despite the fact that they are no longer connected to the battery as a source of voltage."
Page 2.47: The sentence just before section 2.10.6 should read "In the parallel circuit for Fig 2.64, a capacitive reactance of 100 Ω and a resistance of 100 Ω would be equivalent to the series circuit."
Chapter 3 - Analog Basics
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
In the table of schematic symbols, the vacuum tube symbol labeled "Twin Triode" is actually that of a "Twin Tetrode".
Chapter 2 - Electrical Fundamentals
Section 2.2.4 - Resistance of Wires: The value of resistance for #28 wire is 65.31 ohms / 1000 ft, not 66.17 ohms. In equation 4, that changes the length of wire required from 53 ft to 55 ft. In equation 6, the length of wire required is 10.5 ft.
Section 2.3.2, page 2.7 - Current Dividers: the formula for current division is wrong. The correct formula for current through one resistor (Rn) in a group of parallel resistors whose parallel resistance (Rpar) is:
In = I (Rpar / Rn), where I = total current through the entire group
In the Handbook example, the current through R2 would then be (// denotes "in parallel with"):
I2 = 100 mA (100 // 50 // 200) / 50 = 100 mA ( 28.6 / 50) = 57.1 mA
An online tutorial on current division can be found at
Page 2.48 - Equation 105 is missing. It should be P = Apparent power x Power factor.
Chapter 3 - Analog Basics
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
Chapter 5 - RF Techniques
Page 5.6 - In the first full paragraph of the right-most column, the value of L should be 33 micro-henries, not milli-henries, showing the micro (mu) symbol and not the milli (m) symbol.
Chapter 13 - Transmitters
Fig 13.45 - The reference to Fig 14.75 at the connection to R4 (top of figure) should be to Figure 13.48.
Fig 13.48 - The reference to Fig 14.72 at the connection to D1/R6 (lower left of figure) should be to Figure 13.45.
Chapter 20 - Transmission Lines
Table 20.5 - the Examples 1, 2, and 3 correspond to Figure 20.16 A, B, and C.
Chapter 22 - Component Data and References
Fig. 22.23 - N connector assembly: For assembly of the common 82-202-RFX version of the N connector, dimension a should be 0.315 in for a and 0.177 in for c. should be consulted for exact assembly instructions of any Amphenol connector. The dimensions in the table are for Amphenol connectors only.
Chapter 24 - Station Accessories
Figure 24.45 - For the Yaesu Adapter (B), pin 4 of the mini-DIN plug should connect to pin 2 of J3 and pin 5 of the mini-DIN plug should connect to pin 1 of J3. The ground connection (pin 3 of both connectors) is correct.
Chapter 25 - Test Equipment and Measurements
Page 25.2, beginning of section 25.2: '... the abbreviation dc generally refers to dc currents and voltages
that remain stable...' Remove the second 'dc' before 'currents'.
Page 25.7, equation at top of first column: Change the 'IM' in the numerator to make the 'M' a subscript.
Page 25.7, equation at bottom of first column: Change the numerator from 'FS' to 'VFS' with the 'FS' a subscript.
Page 25.25, third column, second full paragraph: 'Some require an external sweep oscillator and while others include an internal signal source.' Remove the 'and'.
Logic Probe - 25.8.2
Page 25.40, Fig 25.61: The label after the large 'A' that says 'Low always' should read '"Anode"' (with quotation marks)
Two-Tone Oscillator - 25.8.6
All references to "Wein" should be "Wien".
Page 25.44, Fig 25.68: The inverting and non-inverting input symbols (+ and -) are reversed on U1A, U1B, U2A, and U2B. The pin numbers are correct, however.
Gate-Dip Oscillator - 25.8.13
The artwork supplied from the author had the silkscreen labels reversed which could lead to reversing the trace layers by a PCB fabricator. The correct artwork is available in the file
Page 25.51, Fig 25.83 parts list: M1 should be a 0-200 uA meter
RF Power Meter - 25.8.14
The article by Kaune, William T., W7IEQ, "A Modern Directional Power/SWR Meter" is missing from the Supplemental Files section of the Handbook CD-ROM. You can download the article in PDF format here.
2012 Edition - Supplemental Information and Files+
Chapter 9 - Oscillators and Synthesizers
Regarding FET bias in Hartley VFOs, a reader notes that the clamping or limiting gate diode has been removed to reduce oscillator noise and in some cases has been replaced by a source bias resistor-capacitor combination. Are there standard values for the resistor and capacitor or are they dependant on the frequency of interest and is there a value-determining formula?
The gate diode in FET oscillators was originally put in place to limit the VFO output amplitude by preventing the gate-source junction from becoming conductive or by cutting off peaks of the signal. (depending on the device and circuit design) Ulrich Rohde, N1UL, showed this to be unnecessary and that the diode actually worsened phase noise, particularly close to the oscillator frequency. The solution is to bias the transistor so that collector or source current just goes to zero over part of the cycle in order to limit gain. i.e. higher gain would cause zero current over a larger portion of the cycle so there is a maximum signal level reached and no additional gain is available. The design of the biasing network depends on the transistor and the frequency of operation - just as in an amplifier. So no, there is no cookbook solution on this topic - the math involved is ferocious if you want to get to a closed-form solution. A more practical approach is to start with similar designs and then either empirically adjust the biasing components for desired performance or use a simulation program such as SPICE or Ansoft Designer (which has a demo version) to get the necessary performance.
A text that goes into some detail on oscillator design is "Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design" by Rohde which is available used. He also wrote a series of articles on oscillators in Dec 93 through Feb 94 and Oct 94 QEX - all detailed and good reading.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
Figure 17.36 - this is a simplified schematic of a grounded-grid amplifier and omits bandswitch and cathode dc retun circuits.
Chapter 21 - Antennas
Bill Wortman, N6MW has reworked the GAMMA program provided as a supplement to the Antenna Book and useful to readers of the ARRL Handbook and Low-Band DXing by ON4UN, as well. The previous version of GAMMA failed to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value. The new code fixes that problem.
Click on the program name to download the new program as a zip file, GAMMAMW4. It is a simple text-based application that runs in a command prompt (C:\) window and does not require a full Windows installation procedure. Unzip (extract) the program and double-click it to launch it.
To use the program, you will need to know:
- frequency of operation in MHz
- feed point impedance of the antenna's driven element in R + jX form
- feed line characteristic impedance
- the driven element diameter (D)*
- the gamma rod diameter (d)*
- spacing between the outer surfaces of the driven element and the gamma rod (S)*Enter these values and the program will provide complete outputs including supporting parameters. * - all dimensions must be in the same units, typically inches or cm.
The ARRL extends its thanks to N6WM for his contribution, as well as to Greg Ordy W8WWV for making some tests of the code.
Chapter 22 - Component Data and References
Guy K2AV contributes the following information about powdered-iron toroids from various sources:
0 Mix (Tan) 100-300 MHz, u=1
1 Mix (Blue) 0.5-5 MHz, u=20
2 Mix (Red) 1-30 MHz, high volume resistivity u=10 [alternately listed as 2-30 MHz]
3 Mix (Gray) 0.05-.5 MHz, u=35
6 Mix (Yel) 1-50 MHz, u=8, similar to mix #2 [alternately listed as 10-50 MHz,
replaced by mix #8]
7 Mix 3-35 MHz, u=9 small cores only
8 Mix(Yel/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=35 replaces mix #6
10 Mix 30-100 MHz, u=6
12 Mix 50-200 MHz, u=4
15 Mix 0.1-2 MHz, u=25
17 Mix (Blu/Yel) 50-200 MHz, u=3 good Q [alternately listed with u=4]
18 Mix (Grn/Red) 1-50 MHz, u=55, low core loss, similar to mix #8
26 Mix (Yel/Wht) dc-800 kHz, u=75, great 60 Hz EMI range for speakers and ac wiring
40 Mix (Grn/Yel) Power conversion similar to mix #26
52 Mix (Grn/Blu) dc-1 MHz, u=75, high permeabilityChapter 25 - Test Instruments and Measurements
A copy of the article "A Modern Directional Power/SWR Meter" by Bill Kaune, W7IEQ, featured in Chapter 25 is missing from the supplemental CD-ROM. Download "A Modern Directional Power/SWR Meter" now.
Errata by Chapter
In the table of schematic symbols, the vacuum tube symbol labeled "Twin Triode" is actually that of a "Twin Tetrode".
Page 2.3 – In the sidebar “The Origin of Unit Names”, change George Simon Ohm to Georg Simon Ohm
Page 2.4 – In the second line of equation 5, change the number 5.57 x 10-3 to 3.57 x 10-3
Page 2.12 – Preceding section 2.4.4, rewrite equation to read 381 W / 746 W/hp = 0.51 horsepower (hp)
Page 2.32 - In Equations 55 and 56, move pi to the denomenator
Page 2.74 – In the last paragraph of first column, change 53.1° to 57.3°
Page 2.75 – The third equation should be 3 (angle symbol) 60° = 1.5 + j2.6
Page 3.35 – At the bottom of first column, step 2, change equation reference from 27 to 24
Page 3.35 – At the bottom of first column, step 3, change equation reference from 25 to 22 and change 6RC=1.75 kohms to 6RE=1.75 kohms
Common-Base Amplifier Design - the procedure incorrectly assigns a value of 1.2 kΩ to RE in Step 4. The correct procedure is:
1) Start by determining the circuit’s design constraints and assumptions: Vcc = 12 V (the power supply voltage), a transistor’s b of 150 and VBE = 0.7 V. State the circuit's design requirements: RE = 50 Ω, RL = 1 kΩ, ICQ = 5 mA, VCEQ = 6 V.
2) Base current, IB = ICQ/b = 33 mA
3) Current through R1 and R2 = 10 IB = 330 mA (10xIB rule of thumb as with the CE amplifier)
4) Voltage across R2 = VBE + IC RE = 0.7 + 5 mA (50 Ω) = 0.95 V and R2 = 0.95 V/330 mA = 2.87 kΩ (use the standard value 2.7 kΩ)
5) Voltage across R1 = VCC – 0.95 V = 11.05 V
6) R1 = 11.05 V / 330 uA = 33.5 kΩ (use 33 kΩ)
7) RC = (VCC – ICQ RE – VCEQ) / ICQ = (12 – 0.25 – 6) / 5 mA = 1.15 kΩ (use 1.2 kΩ)
8) AV = (1.2 kΩ // 1 kΩ) / (26 mV / IE) = 105
Page 3.45, Figure 3.64 – swap the + and – inputs of the right-hand op amp so that the – input is the uppermost input.
Page 3.54, Figure 3.86 – change the left-hand input voltage from VOUT to VREF.
Page 3.54 – bottom of middle column – change last complete sentence to read “…...differ by a factor of 2048, which is 212-1.”
Figure 4.14 – Change the symbol at (C) to the standard NOR gate as in the top symbol in Figure 4.9.
Table 4.8 – Remove the “bubble” from all three Q-not outputs. The symbols should look like those in figures 4.18/19/20.
Page 4.22, Right column, second paragraph – change the first sentence to read “Fig 4.35 shows a circuit implemented with …”
Section 5.3.4, third paragraph - Change the calculation of RF resistance as follows, “…the RF resistance will be approximately 1.06 milliohms x 3.23 = 1.06 milliohms x 32.8 = 34.8 milliohms.”
Section 5.9.2, third column, first paragraph - Change “RL = 10 = 0.5 = 9.5 dB” to “RL = 10 – 0.5 = 9.5 dB” (swap in a minus sign for the equals sign)
Figure 5.57 – in (B) and (C) reverse the shaded and unshaded areas. ZDEV should be in the unshaded area on all charts.
Figure 6.1 – In the caption, change Q1 to Q7 and Q2 to Q8 for agreement with the figure.
Fig 12.23 – Change the RF In connector at lower left to female equivalent.
Fig 12.24 – Exchange pin numbers for + and – inputs to U5B at lower right. i.e. the + input should be pin 5 and the – input should be pin 6
Fig 13.45 - The reference to Fig 14.75 at the connection to R4 (top of figure) should be to Figure 13.48.
Fig 13.48 - The reference to Fig 14.72 at the connection to D1/R6 (lower left of figure) should be to Figure 13.45.
Fig 13.22(B) – Change both filters between the balanced modulators to show a bandwidth of “DC to BW/2"
Figure 17.44 - Move S2 (at bottom of drawing) from the neutral circuit (as shown) to the hot circuit between F1 and T2.
Figure 17.45 - Add to parts list, “D1-D4 – SMT silicon PN-junction diodes such as 1N4148 or equivalent”; In the parts list, change the part number for T3 to 2861010002 (i.e. – remove one zero before the final 2)
Figure 17.57 - Change the part label for C204 to C205 on the output Pin 3 of U2 (7812); Change the part label for D208 to D210 on the collector of Q201; Change the label of Q101 (middle of drawing) from 2N3055 to MJE3055. In the parts list entry beginning D101, change D205-D209 to D205-D210; Change the part number of Q101 from 2N3055 to MJE3055; In the entries for RFC101, RFC103, and T2 – change “” to “(See text)”
Figure 17.58 - In the parts list entry for T1, change the part number text in parentheses to read “…PT-3100, see text).”
Figure 17.59 – in the caption, change “Peter W. Dahl” to “high-voltage”.
Figure 17.63 – in the parts list entry for T1, change part number text in parentheses to read “…ARRL-002, contact Harbach Electronics,, for equivalent parts).”
Page 20.3 – Change formula (4) and following description of variables to Z0=(120/sqrt(epsilon) cosh-1(S/d). Where Z0 = characteristic impedance, S = center to center distance between the conductors, and d = diameter of conductors in the same units as S. When S >> d, the approximation Z0 = 276 log10 (2S/d) may be used but for S < 2d gives values that are significantly higher than the correct value, such as is often the case when wires are twisted together to form a transmission line for impedance transformers.
Table 20.5 - Examples 1, 2, and 3 correspond to Figure 20.16 A, B, and C.
Table 21.20 – In the 306-06 section of the table, Dir 1 should be 42 inches from the reflector (1st column) , not 66 inches.
Table 22.18 – Under the formula N = 1000…, change the parameter description to read “…L = desired inductance (mH); AL = inductance index (mH per 1000 turns)
Table 22.64 – Remove formulas at the bottom of the table
Figure 22.11 – In part (C), in the far right column showing multiplier values for tantalum capacitors, change the multiplier value for White from “x 0.01” to “x 0.1”
Figure 24.12 – Change J1 to female connector symbol
Figure 24.32 – Change both J1 and J2 to female connector symbol
Figure 24.37 – Exchange the designators for R3 and R4 so that R3 is connected to pin 4 of U1 and 11 of U5 and that R4 is connected to pin 4 of U2 and pin 10 of U5.
Figure 24.45 - For the Yaesu Adapter (B), pin 4 of the mini-DIN plug should connect to pin 2 of J3 and pin 5 of the mini-DIN plug should connect to pin 1 of J3. The ground connection (pin 3 of both connectors) is correct.
Figure 26.30 – reverse the polarity + and – symbols for both meters and reverse the direction of the current arrows.
2011 Edition - Supplemental Information and Files+
This section contains additional information and files to supplement the material in the book.
Chapter 9 - Oscillators and Synthesizers
Slow-motion drives and variable capacitors are available from QST advertiser National RF (, Dan's Small Parts and Kits (, and Antique Electronic Supply (
Chapter 12 - Receivers
The CAD files provided by N1UL for the 2 meter converter design are OrCAD files.
Chapter 17 - RF Power Amplifiers
Figure 17.36 - this is a simplified schematic of a grounded-grid amplifier and omits bandswitch and cathode dc retun circuits.
Page 17.36, bottom of middle column – Change paragraph on 25-ohm coax to read, “Coax with this characteristic impedance is not a common stock item but it is available as p/n D260-4118-0000 from Communications Concepts, Inc. ( Two feet are required. An acceptable alternative is #22 shielded 600-V Teflon-insulated wire such as Belden 83305-E whose physical dimensions result in approximately the same characteristic impedance."
Page 17.37, second paragraph of Thermal Compensation – Change to read “…(D1-D4, any silicon PN-junction diode in a suitable SMT package will work). Mounted…”
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