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DXCC Award Information

Award FAQ

  • DXCC Band Awards

    Certificates are available for the following bands: 

    160 Meters          20 Meters          10 Meters        23 CM     
    80 Meters            17 Meters            6 Meters        13 CM 
    40 Meters            15 Meters            2 Meters        3 CM 
    30 Meters            12 Meters            70 Centimeters

    There is no DXCC award currently available for 5 MHz (60 Meters).

    As propagation and technical achievements progress, amateurs may achieve awards on other amateur bands. The addition of these awards will be determined by the ARRL Awards Committee.

  • DXCC Mode Awards

    Certificates are available for the following modes: 

    • Mixed - A general award which allows an amateur to get into the DXCC program even though they do not have 100 entities on any single mode. Upon qualification, after achieving Mixed DXCC, amateurs can apply for other modes they achieve upon reaching 100, or more. For the Mixed award the term "Mixed" will not appear on certificates or lapel pins.
    • Phone - Includes USB, LSB AM, FM and other voice communication modes. SSTV mode also counts towards Phone DXCC.
    • CW - QSOs must be dated January 1, 1975, or after. CW contacts prior to this date count toward Mixed only.
    • Digital - Currently, all other digital modes count towards Digital in DXCC.
    • Satellite - QSOs for Satellite do not count toward any other Band or Mode award. Satellite is a unique award in itself. Also, there is no Honor Roll for Satellite mode.

  • 12, 15, 17, 20 and 30 Meter Awards

    In 2000, five awards were added to the DXCC program.

    Single band DXCC awards were made available for 12, 15, 17, 20 and 30 Meters. There are endorsements for these individual bands for the 5-Band DXCC award. 

    Awards for 12, 15, 17, 20 and 30 Meters are dated only. There are no sequential award numbers for these awards. These awards are all endorseable (see Section I. Rule 5 for the endorsement levels for these awards). 

  • How do I qualify for the DXCC Honor Roll?

    There are two Honor Roll categories:

    • #1 Honor Roll is achieved by confirming all current entities on the DXCC list.
    •  Honor Roll is achieved by confirming within the numerical top 10 of the overall entities on the DXCC list. (If there are 340 entities on the current DXCC list, entry level Honor Roll is achieved by confirming 331 current entities (or minus 9 from the overall count)).

    *Currently, there are 340 entities on the DXCC list, the number needed for Honor Roll entry level is 331.


    *Deleted entities do not count toward the Honor Roll.


    *Honor Roll is tracked automatically by the DXCC Program. In order for the DXCC Program to handle this automatically, the base award mode category must be active. If a mode is not active, and Honor Roll is reached, the computer cannot automatically process it (eg: If you reach 331 current on Mixed Mode, but you do not have the base award for Mixed, the Honor Roll level will not appear).


    *An Honor Roll sticker is provided for the mode(s) for which Honor Roll was achieved.  Honor Roll is only available for Mixed, Phone, CW and/or Digital.


    *A distinctive wall plaque is available for the DXCC Honor Roll and #1 Honor Roll. The wall plaque order form is available for plaque purchases.


    *There are currently no band honor roll categories.


    See Section I rule 1(u)(v) for more information about the Honor Roll.

    The live daily standings are also published. The live standings are current as of the previous full working day.

    Wall plaques and lapel pins can be ordered by contacting DXCC at:

    Telephone (860) 594-0200

    Fax (860) 594-0346

    Please contact dxcc [email protected] for specific details on how to send credit card numbers via email. 

    Mail to
    225 Main Street
    Newington, CT 06111
    Learn More

  • What is 5-Band DXCC and how do I apply for it?

    5-Band DXCC is earned by confirming 100 current entities on each of the following bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 Meters. Deleted entities do not count toward this award. Once you have the initial 5-Band award, you can endorse it for 160, 30, 17, 12, 6, and 2 Meters.


    To apply for the 5-Band DXCC award, visit the DXCC Forms page for more information. The same application is used to apply for 5-Band DXCC as it is for regular DXCC. 5-Band DXCC endorsement medallions for 160, 30, 17, 12, 6, and 2 Meters are also available for the plaque. Endorsement stickers can be ordered by visiting the DXCC Item order Form page located at:

  • What is the DXCC Challenge and how do I apply for it?

    The DXCC Challenge award is available to applicants who reach 1,000 band points on bands 160 through 6 Meters.  This includes only current entities.  Deleted entities do not count toward this award.  Once you reach 1,000 band points, you are automatically entered into the Challenge listing.  This award is endorseable in levels of 500. There is currently no certificate available for Challenge.  A special plaque has been designed for the DXCC Challenge.  The highest scorer as of December 31 of each year qualifies for the DeSoto Cup. The DeSoto Cup can only be issued once to a single person. For more information, see Section I rule 1, (s), (t).  The challenge award is presented to the top three leaders as of the 31st of December each year. 

    The DXCC Challenge and DeSoto Cup standings can be found on the DXCC website.


    For more information on DXCC Challenge, please visit:

  • Do Satellite QSOs count towards the Mixed DXCC award?

    No, Satellite DXCC is a separate award, and no credits are given towards Mixed, Phone, CW or Digital awards. No single band credits can be claimed on Satellite.


    Please see DXCC Basic Rules for more information.

  • All my credits are CW and 40 Meters. Can I get a combined certificate for 40 Meters CW?

    No, one can only apply for band awards/certificates or mode awards/certificates. You can get a 40 Meter certificate and/or a CW certificate, but "combination" certificates (combined band and mode) are not available.

  • I have a Mixed DXCC award and want to start building my credits towards other awards. Can I build totals on these along the way?

    Yes. However, when completing an application, please do not check off endorsements for awards you do not have. You can only endorse awards that you have received.

  • I received stickers with numbers on them with my return. What are these for?

    When an applicant reaches a new endorsement level for an active award, stickers indicating the level(s) achieved will be included with the submission return.  One sticker is given for each subsequent level achieved. 

    Applicants who do not have a lapel pin for their DXCC can purchase them for $7.50 each, including shipping, by filling out a DXCC Item Order Form and sending it via one of the following methods:


    • E-MAIL: [email protected]
    • FAX: (860) 594-0346
    • POST/MAIL:
    •           Awards Department
                225 Main Street
                Newington, CT USA 06111


  • There are other modes not recognized by DXCC. How do they apply?

    Modes such as PSK-31, G-Tor, Pactor, JT44 etc., are digital and count as Digital for DXCC. SSTV and other voice modes count as Phone for DXCC.


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