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Sheet Metal Fabricator for HAM Projects

Jan 13th 2018, 12:09


Joined: Mar 3rd 2012, 03:12
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Hello Everybody

Does anyone know if there exists any sheet metal fabricators that would cater to the amateur radio hobbyist market.

I like in an apartment and do not have the space for such tools.

A search of the local makerspace organizations do not seem to have the equipment required.

There is a project that I would like to duplicate in one of ARRL's specialized publications that requires an electronic enclosure. A web search has not yielded any satisfactory results.

Please reply to this forum if you know of any such organization or company.

Thank You and 73s

Mar 30th 2018, 12:12


Joined: Aug 9th 2007, 09:29
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Try Harbor Freight, they have very reasonable metal fabrication tools, I know, I have used the to make chassis's

Mar 30th 2018, 12:13


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I also live in an apt with limited space.
May 18th 2019, 17:11


Joined: Aug 25th 2016, 23:32
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It sounds to me like you are interested in having a sheet metal company manufacture a chassis for you. If that is what you are trying to do, you will have to supply drawings (i.e., blueprints) of parts to be made that are adequately detailed so a sheet metal worker can read the print and put the proper bends and/or holes in the right spots. This involves significant skill if you've never done it before, but it can be done. I can talk with you further if you'd like. [email protected] bob
Jun 2nd 2019, 08:15


Joined: Jan 15th 2015, 19:10
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Talk to a High School metal shop teacher, if you can find one that still teaches metal shop. You might try a junior college or trade school. Lots of times there will be a student who excells and the teacher will reward him with "special" projects.
I did several drafting projects in high school because I was the only one interested in architecture. My first part time employee in my drafting show was a high school "teachers pet".
Feb 7th 2020, 18:14


Joined: Apr 27th 2019, 19:49
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Look up 'brake' in the October issue of QST. There is a decent homemade sheet metal brake, with directions on it's use, which may fit your needs.

There was a revisit of this article in August of 2012, but I could not access it tonight.

Good Luck
Feb 7th 2020, 21:08


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In 2012 we started using a new article archive by PageSuite and stopped linking PDFs to the old article archive. I just heard that the guy who used to do that has been retired from his last job for over a year.

The new archive allows you to view the entire issue of QST and do full text searches.

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