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Joined: Thu, Aug 9th 2007, 09:29 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
Senior Citizen Ham Operator Mar 30th 2018, 16:27 2 10,288 on 3/4/24
old timer in need Mar 25th 2014, 20:09 1 8,364 on 25/3/14
Old Timer in need Jan 15th 2014, 20:00 1 8,288 on 15/1/14

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Senior Citizen Ham Operator W3KFQ on 30/3/18
Hi All
I am a Senior citizen,(75), living on a fixed income,(Social Security),. I currently hold a General class license and have been a lifelong participant in ham activities. I am also handicapped and wheelchair-bound...
Would appreciate any help in home to work toward getting my Amateur Extra licence. Currently am involved with rehabbing old test equipment,(50 & 60's).
I can be reached at [email protected]

Sheet Metal Fabricator for HAM Projects WA2FTV on 30/3/18
I also live in an apt with limited space.
Sheet Metal Fabricator for HAM Projects WA2FTV on 30/3/18
Try Harbor Freight, they have very reasonable metal fabrication tools, I know, I have used the to make chassis's

old timer in need W3KFQ on 25/3/14

I am looking for anyone willing to donate yaseu ft101e. Old and shopworn, no matter, if it works that would be helpful.

Am 71, live on social security fixed income, and have numerous medical issues to contend with. Also trying to put a basic test gear shop together to service the gear. Any contributions would be appreciated.




[email protected]
Old Timer in need W3KFQ on 15/1/14

I am retired ham, living on a fixed income in Kettering ,Ohio. Lost all of my equipment to finance the move to Ohio. Current QTH is a duplex apt.

If anyone has a transiever, or even a radio that covers the ham bands that they would donate, I would appreciate it greatly.


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