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5.8 GHz equipment Jan 8th 2018, 12:40 5 6,778 on 12/1/18

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5.8 GHz equipment WB3EOU on 12/1/18
Very helpful! Guessing I just needed the right search term in Google!

Much appreciate the help on this. I may have more questions, but this satisfies the immediate need.
5.8 GHz equipment WB3EOU on 11/1/18
Interesting equipment. Looks like primarily transverters - 5760 to 144 MHz that might operate in the upper 5Ghz band. They also have antennas.

I'm also aware of a product that is made by Ubiquiti (sp?) for point-to-point microwave operations. I've seen a few sites that have those set up for networking - something like a backbone. Bit too pricey for me. Was looking for something less expensive and that I could build on.
5.8 GHz equipment WB3EOU on 8/1/18
Looking to experiment with equipment in this band. Problem is, there isn't a lot of info available. Ran across on 802.11 device that can be modified, but that was only one. There must be more out there. Looking for any info.

Jim - WB3EOU

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