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Condo Stairwell QRP Setup Feb 9th, 08:36 1 250 3 weeks, 1 day ago

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Condo Stairwell QRP Setup KB9MCM 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Hi, I have been inactive for several years but my General License is still valid.

Wanting to get back into the hobby and living in bottom level of a 3 level Condo. I have a straight shot up to the 3rd floor via the rear stair well. Thinking to try a 20M 1/4 wave wire antenna or maybe general purpose set up with a 4:1 Unon using a single counter poise out the rear door and Coax into my unit as a temporary setup.

My issue is I do not have a good way to ground a mobile rig for safety. At QRP levels (5-10W) will it be safe not to ground the transceiver? I could use an electrical outlet ground but able to drive a ground rod into the ground outside. I I could at least use a 1:1 balum.

The building is cinder block with stucco construction. Will it work? Not sure if the building might attenuate even if I am able to tune the antenna. I am 2 miles from the gulf so ground plane might be OK.

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