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Joined: Fri, Sep 9th 2011, 01:56 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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antenna tuners with a TS-430 Mar 31st 2012, 00:20 2 10,393 on 2/4/12
receiver not working Dec 20th 2011, 01:25 4 10,457 on 30/12/11
2 meter homebrew j antenna Nov 22nd 2011, 01:05 3 9,366 on 9/3/16

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antenna tuners with a TS-430 skidwayrph on 31/3/12
I would like to know which external antenna tuners can be connected to a Kenwood TS-430S? Also how is an external tuner controlled from inside the shack?

Don Blough KD8RBW
receiver not working skidwayrph on 21/12/11
Quote by skidwayrph
Is there anywhere in central Florida that can take a radio for repair. I know about sending the unit back to the manufacture, but would like to have it repaired locally if possible. I have an ICOM IC-Z1A that does not receive anything.
Don Blough KD8RBW

Thanks, I took the radio to AES Orlando. They have a repairman in St. Cloud. My radio has gone to him.

How do I change skidwayrph to my call sign of KD8RBW?
receiver not working skidwayrph on 20/12/11
Is there anywhere in central Florida that can take a radio for repair. I know about sending the unit back to the manufacture, but would like to have it repaired locally if possible. I have an ICOM IC-Z1A that does not receive anything.
Don Blough KD8RBW
2 meter homebrew j antenna skidwayrph on 22/11/11
I have an IC-Z1A dual band hand held.I also have a homebrew 2 meters "J" antenna. My question is whether I can use the 70 cm band with this antenna?
Don Blough KD8RBW

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