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D-Star gateways and reflectors Mar 11th 2013, 23:54 4 9,582 on 28/2/14

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D-Star gateways and reflectors KD8UFB on 11/3/13
I am VERY new to amateur radio. My only radio, right now, is an Icom ID-51A, with built-in D-Star. So far I have only been talking on my local D-Star repeater, 22 miles from my house, with a rubber duck antenna! I am going to start venturing into the D-Star gateways and reflectors very soon. I have read the free publication D-Star for Dummies and I have watched several videos on the subject. It's time to take the plunge and start DXing! I'll be positing my results in the future. 73.
Digital Operation for a NEW Operator???? KD4RDS on 11/3/13
I am very new to amateur radio. I have been using D-Star with excellent success! I am hitting a local D-Star repeater from my front yard, that is 22 miles away, with my Icom ID-51A handheld and a rubber duck. Here's an excellent introduction to D-Star, that is free: . Hope to hear you on D-Star!

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