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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
Amplidan A/s 50713 Parts Oct 26th 2015, 16:51 3 8,254 on 26/10/15
Rigexpert WTI-1 Jan 10th 2015, 22:45 7 9,843 on 3/2/15
Remote Antenna Mar 14th 2014, 21:40 5 6,279 on 19/3/14
KX3 on PSK31 using Signalink & Digipan Feb 2nd 2014, 19:35 6 12,443 on 1/3/15

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Amplidan A/s 50713 Parts KZ6B on 26/10/15
Thanks, Zack, but I already tried that and they said they no longer have any parts.

Amplidan A/s 50713 Parts KZ6B on 26/10/15
Does anyone know where I might find some parts for my Amplidan straight key? I need to do some rebuilding on it but some parts are worn out.

Thanks. Alan - KZ6B
Rigexpert WTI-1 KZ6B on 3/2/15
Understand, Bill, and thanks for taking the time to give me some input.


Alan - KZ6B
Rigexpert WTI-1 KZ6B on 28/1/15
Thanks, Martin, and yes I read that Feb. QST review but the one unanswered question is how to turn the KX3 on remotely. I also have looked at the Pigremote which seems to have more history with the KX3 but again, cannot seem to find out how to turn the KX3 on remotely.

Rigexpert WTI-1 KZ6B on 10/1/15
Does anyone have any experience in using the Rigexpert WTI-1 interface? I have a KX3 and would like to able to remotely control it via the internet and the WTI-1 seems like it would do the job.

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