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Baluns, ununs and transformers Jun 22nd 2019, 21:16 2 8,929 on 24/6/19
Balun vs. UNUN vs. Transformer Jun 20th 2019, 10:33 2 6,793 on 20/6/19

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Baluns, ununs and transformers W2JHB on 22/6/19
I am a "newbe" in ham radio.
I think I understand Baluns and ununs. However, I have heard and watched videos regarding transformers.
Can someone explain in simple terms the use and need for transformes? Please remember, this is all new to this 73 year old man.
John Bovee
Balun vs. UNUN vs. Transformer W2JHB on 20/6/19
I am a "newbe". My rig is an Icom 7300 using a 4 band Diapole antenna.
I have been considering home brewing my next antenna. I have read MANY articales and have watched numerous videos on how to build Baluns and unun. I believe I can do that successfully.
My question regards the purpose and use of transformers. Being a new ham, I would like a simple answer.

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