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Help with TYT MD380 and UV380 - no sound Oct 10th 2019, 18:48 1 6,796 on 10/10/19

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Help with TYT MD380 and UV380 - no sound KC1LXW on 10/10/19
Hello, and my apologies if that was discussed before, I am quite new to DMR world. I have two TYT radios: MD 380 and UV 380, and for some reason there is no sound. I put them on the frequency of local repeater and cannot hear anything (though there are bars that are moving, so I assume I have the signal). I then put them on the same frequency to talk to each other and again, I see the signal is coming through, but I cannot hear anything with volume at max. I spent time watching YouTube video's, but that did not help. Can anyone maybe guide me through it? I think it has something to do with programming the radios, but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

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