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Question: Grounding Wires and Animals Jan 30th 2022, 19:01 4 4,989 on 4/2/22

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Question: Grounding Wires and Animals K6LEV on 3/2/22
Larry, thank you for the very thoughtful answer. I will be interested if anyone else has something to add. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when deciding to start this hobby but it's getting my old brain moving again between studying the test materials and planning the Ham shack.
Question: Grounding Wires and Animals K6LEV on 30/1/22
Hi, I'm a new member and a new Ham.

I'm setting up my shack's grounding system and there was something I didn't consider. I'm in the process of attaching the ground inside to a ground bar and everything looks as I had planned. wife says "how are you going to keep the animals from touching the bar or the wire so they don't get electrocuted?"

I said, hmmm, I don't know. I hadn't considered that.

My question Is the ground line and ground bar dangerous if touched? I guess it could be considering its purpose.

Thank you for any help.


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