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electical noise from lithium-ion battery charger Sep 24th 2011, 21:36 3 10,339 on 6/10/11

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electical noise from lithium-ion battery charger K5WOR on 6/10/11
Hi Ed
The main charger is a RIDID 12 Volt Lith-Ion model 140446001 (R86049). So far the folks next door have no problem keeping it unplugged when not it use. However I will try to do something with it. Even with cheap SW portable at 50 to 100 feet it's just a HUGE white noise machine.
electical noise from lithium-ion battery charger K5WOR on 24/9/11
Folks next door have 2 Ridgid battery charger for drills. One is a 24 volt and the other is a 12 charger. The 12 charger generates a white noise from about 20 Mhz to at least 50 Mhz. I am about 100 feet away and 10 Meter is totally gone! Full scale on my Yaesu FT-1000 S-meter. Unplug the 12 charger and inoise is gone. The 24 volt charger makes some noise but only about half that of the 12 volt unit. I am sure it's due to the switching PS in the units and maybe could be fixed, but should it have to be fixed or is some wrong here??

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