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Joined: Sat, Apr 4th 1998, 00:00 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
Burton CW key May 24th 2024, 08:54 1 1,651 on 24/5/24
Burton CW key May 24th 2024, 08:39 1 1,606 on 24/5/24
WB7DIE Oct 29th 2014, 15:12 5 9,621 on 6/11/14
Gassy vacuum tubes Aug 1st 2013, 03:16 4 12,864 on 3/6/20
Reflections(Maxwell) Jul 24th 2013, 18:41 2 7,552 on 24/7/13
HF tuner consumes power Jul 11th 2013, 16:40 2 7,288 on 11/7/13

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Burton CW key w7MH on 24/5/24
I recently acquire a Burton CW key built on a small piece of marble. Could someone offer a bit of history as I can't seem to locate any reference to it. Appreciate yore help. Gary, W7MH,
[email protected]
Burton CW key w7MH on 24/5/24
I recently acquire a Burton CW key built on a small piece of marble. Could someone offer a bit of history as I can't seem to locate any reference to it. Appreciate yore help. Gary, W7MH,
[email protected]
Welcome to the A1 Operator Club forum billmoore on 30/4/15
I listen to a long standing VHF daily net and notice the occasional operator call himself the "net facilitator" rather than net control. Can you tell which is preferred? [email protected]. Appreciate your reply. Gary, (WB7DIE)
WB7DIE w7MH on 29/10/14
I notice, on a daily VHF repeater net some control operators refer to them selves as "net facilitators" while most use "net control". I have looked through the ARRL operating manual and find no mention of "facilitator". Many on the net are new "hams". What are your thoughts?
Gassy vacuum tubes w7MH on 1/8/13
Can you tell me what causes a vacuum tube to get gassy over time, and what can be done to prevent or remove the condition? Thanks.

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