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Rohn H50 Telescoping Mast Aug 5th 2015, 19:12 3 6,663 on 6/8/15

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End Feed Half Wave Antenna Problems AB2WS on 13/8/15
How about trying to shorten the 67 foot element 33.5 feet and making the "counterpoise" 33.5 feet and making it look like a center fed halfwave dipole in an "L" configuration?
- Jim -
Rohn H50 Telescoping Mast K3DRJ on 6/8/15
Thanks for the links to articles Zach. Looks like an antenna party with a bunch of meeting tomorrow night, have to see how many young and strong members volunteer.
Rohn H50 Telescoping Mast K3DRJ on 5/8/15
Has anyone tried to erect a Rohn H50 (44 foot) Telescoping Mast by first extending all the mast sections on the ground and then walking it upright? Years ago I had a similar mast that was only 28 feet extended and had no issues walking it upright. There were helpers with the guy lines to stabilize it when raising it to a vertical position. Not sure if the additional 16 feet would make it more difficult or impossible to do safely. Just seems easier than pushing each section up and inserting the pin while holding it in position. Suggestions welcome.

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