About Kids Day
Twice a year, ARRL offers an event designed to promote Amateur Radio to our youth. Share the excitement with your kids or grandkids, a Scout troop, a church or the general public!
Kids Day is designed to give on-the-air experience to young people and hopefully foster interest in getting a license of their own. It is also intended to give older hams a chance to share their station and love for Amateur Radio with their children.
Generally the first Saturday in January, and the third Saturday in June, see the ARRL Contest Calendar for current Kids Day event dates at http://www.arrl.org/contest-calendar
Kids Day always runs from 1800 UTC through 2359 UTC. Operate as much or as little as you like.
Name, age, location and favorite color. Be sure to work the same station again if an operator has changed. To draw attention, call “CQ Kids Day.”
10 Meters: 28.350 to 28.400 MHz
12 Meters: 24.960 to 24.980 MHz
15 Meters: 21.360 to 21.400 MHz
17 Meters: 18.140 to 18.145 MHz
20 Meters: 14.270 to 14.300 MHz
40 Meters: 7.270 to 7.290 MHz
80 Meters: 3.740 to 3.940 MHz
You can also use your favorite favorite repeater (with permission of the repeater’s sponsor).
Be sure to observe third-party restrictions when making DX QSOs.
Reporting (tell us your story - and send photos)!
- All participants are encouraged to post their story and thumbnail photos to the
Kids Day Soapbox page. Tell the world about your operations, the fun you had, and who you talked to!
- Photos - QST and ARRL Publication readers love to see hams having fun, and Youth is our future! Please send us your High-Resolution (500kb - 3mb) photos of Youth in action (operating, setting up antennas, having fun). You can send them (email preferred) to [email protected] or mail files or print photos to: ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111
Note: We must have a Release Form for Youth photos to be used (younger than 18 years of age) in ARRL Publications such as QST (Kid's Day and Youth Write-Ups, Strays, Up Front, etc). To obtain the Youth photo Release Form Go Here
Kids Day Certificate of Participation
All participants are eligible to receive a colorful certificate. You can download this certificate and complete it with the participant's name and date of the contact.
Kids Day Stories
Click on a story below to expand.
By Chuck Crist, W9IH
ARRL Indiana Assistant Section Manager
September 9, 2003Fun was the apparent result of a successful recipe--a recipe that included lots of preplanning, food, and Ham Radio. At the Indianapolis the Red Cross Chapter house, the Red Cross radio disaster group sponsored its very first Kids Day event.
Amateur Radio operators and club members of the group began setup and testing early the week before January the 6th in order to prepare for the Kids Day on the air event.
Led by Steve Wendt, KB9RDS, hams not only took time to demonstrate Amateur Radio but let the visiting kids spend time on the air talking and working other kids across the USA. The club setup code practice areas for kids and parents to expose them to the Morse Code that Hams use on the air during CW communications.
A log sheet was available for each kid, and Steve had an area for helping the kids fill out their individual sheets in preparation for the contacts they would soon be making.
Steve Wendt, KB9RDS: "OK! This is where we start; these our your radio logs..."
On to the radio room, where club members were ready with five stations in all; one each on 10, 15, and 20 meters, and two on 2 meters. Kids could wonder from station to station and make contacts as the day progressed.
Lots of comments followed throughout the day as kids experienced the fun of chatting with other places and other kids. Here are some of my favorites from the event:
"What's this?"
"So this is Ham Radio!"
"Can I do this too?"
"How do I do this?"
"What's my call sign?"
"Dave, say your name please?" (Oops!) Sarah Brenner, 5, with Merle, KB9PDM
And finally, one 15 year-old kid made a contact with a NASA station and jumped up shouting for all to hear... "I just contacted NASA!!!!!!!"
Over in the code room, kids were amazed to see how easy sending Morse code can be. John, W9GRE, had these notes from the code area:
"Is this my name?"
"This is really cool!"
"This is fun!"
Twenty-four kids made 58 contacts from five stations during the event.
It was concluded that kids do live in Indiana and have fun with Ham radio. The Red Cross Disaster Radio Group plans to do more Kids Day events, where the big kids have fun too.
Special thanks to Bill, K9DBY, John, W9GRE, Rick, KB9NZY, Don, K9MCM, Mike, KB9NZF, Suzy, KB9WRV, and Norm, KB9UEH.
The Indianapolis IN Red Cross Disaster Radio Group's WA9LGQ is located at 441 E. 10th Street, Indianapolis IN 46202
David Hodge, N6AN
October 10, 2011
Aloha! That is the greeting you'll hear from KH6LC during Kids Day. Lloyd Cabral and crew have been very active in previous years. In fact, last January they made 125 contacts! They will be hosting local kids again at the station on the big island of Hawai'i. And from the shack they'll be streaming live video on JustinTV. Curt Knight, AH6RE, wrote,
Lloyd had streaming video running of the Kids Day operation and Matt, Alex, and Nathan had a pretty big fan club before the day was over." Check out the station website at www.KH6LC.com for more information and pictures.
Kids Day Survey
Fill out the following survey to share your Kids Day experience.