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Lesson Ideas and Learning Activities

Using the ETP Lesson Library

We've collected lesson ideas and learning activities from classroom teachers and experienced ham radio instructors that you can use and embellish with your own ideas or adapt to the specific needs of your student audience or curriculum topic.  Where appropriate, we've linked these lessons and activities to science and math curriculum standards.

These lessons and activities are organized around six general topics.  You'll find indiciations of the appropriate audience for each lesson or activity.  We've also provided some identified reference material that we think might also prove useful. 

We are interested in receiving your feedback about any of these ideas or activties, or information about how you have successfully implemented or enhanced them.  Please contact us at [email protected] with your comments.


  • Basic Electronics

    Fundamentals of electronics and electronic components, digital signal processing, analog to digital conversion. Learn More

  • Radio Science

    Electromagnetic spectrum, frequency and wavelength, modulation, building blocks of radio, signal propagation.

  • Amateur Radio

    These lessons and activities present content that is specific to amateur radio and amateur radio license preparation. Learn More

  • Remote Sensors

    Application of remote sensing technology requires a solid understanding of microcontrollers, as well as strong fundamentals in math and science. Learn More

  • Satellite Communications

    Newton's Laws, Kepler's Laws, Doppler shift are topics to explore to understand satellite communications. Learn More


    Find activities developed to utilize this ARRL ham radio-robot resource. Learn More

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