Our ETP Instructors
Matt Severin, N8MS, is the principal of Merritt Elementary School in southwest Michigan serving over 330 preKindergarten through Second Grade students. Through his career he has served students and staff in several capacities including elementary teacher, Science teacher, Middle School principal, and most recently as an Elementary principal. Matt has incorporated amateur radio into his classroom since 1999 when he first earned his amateur radio license. He has worked with students ranging from Kindergarten to grade 12 and has found ways to integrate amateur radio at all levels.
Some of Matt’s previous amateur activities include participating in the School Club Round Up, starting a radio youth club, and monitoring & collecting data from amateur radio satellites & weather satellites. He has also helped 15 students to make impromptu International Space Station contacts from school.
Currently Matt is active in the Blossomland Amateur Radio Association in Berrien County Michigan. He enjoys learning about the many facets of amateur radio, and he particularly enjoys working amateur satellites. Matt has been licensed for 20 years and holds an Amateur Extra license.
Tommy Gober, N5DUX, holds an Amateur Extra license, is a Curriculum Design Specialist with the National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center (NICERC) and has taught high school Computer
Science, Programming and other Technology classes. Tommy has a passion for instruction and having an impact on the classroom. He began his interest in amateur radio while in grade school, but it was not until college that he got his license.
Tommy is an ARRL Life Member and has been an ARRL registered instructor and VE for several years, leading many people toward their licenses. He joined the ARRL ETP team bringing with him his love of electronics, programming, amateur radio, communications and passion for both teaching and learning. He enjoys CW, satellites, HF, kit building and portable operations.
Larry Kendall, K6NDL, has been an educator and curriculum developer since 1981. He currently teaches middle school Technology and Robotics at Sitting Bull Academy in Apple Valley, California. At various times in his career, he has taught science, mathematics, computer science, photography, and print and broadcast journalism. As an adjunct community college instructor in Arizona, Larry also taught courses in computer applications, astronomy, and engineering processes. Larry's background is in geoscience, with interests in astronomy and photography.
During a 14-year run at the University of Arizona, Larry was a lead instructor and trainer for several large National Science Foundation-sponsored education outreach projects, leading over fifty teacher workshops ranging from a few hours to four weeks in length. Since 1991, Larry has been an author, curriculum developer, editor, and trainer for many NSF and NASA-funded projects, integrating hands-on science, mathematics, and technology. He has developed, co-authored, and edited technology-related training materials, as well as numerous lab and activity manuals and textbooks.
Since 2008, Larry has participated in ARRL TI-1, TI-2: Space in the Classroom, and TI-2: Remote Sensing workshops and has developed electronics, radio, and robotics modules used in his technology classes. Students and community organizations have enjoyed the activities and materials he has introduced as a result of attending the ARRL Teacher Institutes.
Larry became a licensed ham in 2003 and currently holds an Amateur Extra license. He has served as treasurer of the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club since 2008 and helps organize and run the club’s annual Jamboree on the Air event for area scouting groups. As a former scout and proud father of an Eagle Scout (and Amateur Extra Class ham), he particularly enjoys sharing what he has learned from the TI workshops in QRP (low power) communication, amateur satellites, and fox hunting activities with scouts and other community groups.
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