Many in the ham radio community develop resources to help others study for their license. We also share links to other online resources we think will help you understand concepts that are important to your preparation for a ham radio license.
You'll also find references to resources that will help you get started once you get your license!
Reference Library
The following resources provide additional help with license study preparation, and valuable information after you receive your license and get started with amateur radio.
Question Pool for FCC Technician Exam+
Review the entire pool of questions for the FCC Technician License. Also, review the list of withdrawn questions.
ARRL Ham Radio License Manual Online Supplement+
Check out the online supplement to the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual. Coorindated to the presentation of material in our study manual, the supplement offers additional information and references to other sources of information to provide addtional explanation and enhance background knowledge. On this page you'll also find a Study Guide that arranges questions from the exam question pool in the order of presentation of related content in the Ham Radio License Manual.
Quick Reference Operating Aids, Band Charts+
- Band chart of US Amateur Radio Technician Privileges to download and print
- Download this printer ready chart including commonly used Q signals and the ITU phonetic alphabet to accompany your Technician Band Chart.
- Complete US Amateur Radio Spectrum Band Chart
Click on the link below for more operating information on Communication Procedures, ITU Phonetic Alphabet, RST System, UTC Time Conversion Chart.
Learn More -
Once you're ready to "Get On The Air" you will find several useful links to articles to help you; buy your first radio, assemble a simple antenna, contest, how to log your contacts, and operating ethics.
- ARRL Operating Manual - covers many ham radio operating topics
- Ham Radio for Dummies - your "desktop Elmer" covering operating and technical topics
- ARRL Bulletins - Bulletins on general news, DX, Propagation, satellite tracking information (Keplerian)
- W1AW - the ARRL's club station broadcasts bulletins and code practice all year long
- ARRL Publications - The ARRL is the largest publisher of books and materials for hams and about ham radio.
- Ham Radio History - more information on how ham radio came to be the worldwide phenomenon it is today
- Glossary
- List of Abbreviations
- Yahoo! groups - enter "ham radio" into the Search window
- Yahoo group for new hams
- - Web portal with news, email lists, and classified ads
- - Web portal and call sign database
- Googlegroups - enter "ham radio" into the Search Groups window
- - Numerous individual and club Web pages
- AC6V's Amateur Radio and DX Reference Guide - Glossaries, links, and files on all facets of Amateur Radio
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