The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award is given annually to a licensed radio amateur under the age of 21. The nominee must be a current ARRL member. The nominee's accomplishments and contributions to both the community of Amateur Radio and the local community should be of the most exemplary nature. These activities may include:
- Participation or leadership in organizational affairs at the local or national level (for example: local radio club, ARES, net control, participation in civic groups);
- Technical achievement (for example: built a radio, put up an antenna, etc);
- Operating record (for example: nets, disaster drills, contests, Sweepstakes, etc);
- Recruitment and training of new amateurs (for example: helped teach a license class, JOTA, etc);
- Public relations activities (for example: create a ham radio Web page).
Nomination form, supporting information, the endorsement of ARRL-affiliated clubs and elected or appointed League Leadership officials, should be submitted with the nomination to your ARRL Section Manager. In keeping with the tradition of the award when it was first established, formal nominations are made by Section Managers. Please make your Section Manager aware of young hams that have distinguished themselves through their activities. A Section Manager may nominate more than 1 person per year. All nominations shall be forwarded to the Field Services Department within ARRL Headquarters. An award panel will review the nominations received and select the winner. The prize consists of a cash award of $1,500 and a suitably engraved plaque. ARRL representatives will endeavor to make a formal presentation of the plaque at a mutually agreed upon ARRL convention or event.
Nomination forms and support information should document as thoroughly as possible the Amateur Radio achievements and contributions of the nominee during the previous calendar year. Additional information concerning the accomplishments and activities of the nominee should be as complete as possible.
The award is intended to provide a tangible reward to those deserving young amateurs who contribute their time, skills and energies daily through their commitment to Amateur Radio. As models for their peers, and inspirations to us all, these fine young people are highly visible boosters of Amateur Radio awareness. We must continue to recognize and encourage their hard work and contributions at every opportunity.
Nomination forms and support information must be sent to the Section Manager. Section Managers will make the formal nomination by sending the form and information to ARRL before March 31. All additional support information must be received at ARRL on or before April 15.
There is no limit to the number of nominations an individual or club may submit to the ARRL Section Manager.
For more information, contact Steve Ewald, WV1X,; tel 860-594-0265.
About ARRL >> General Information >> ARRL Award Nominations >> Hiram Percy Maxim Award