Nominations are now open for an exciting slate of national ARRL awards recognizing service, innovation and microwave development in the technical arena!
The ARRL Board of Directors created a program of technical awards to recognize service, innovation and microwave development. In taking the action, the Board noted the international regulations recognize the "technical investigations" conducted by the amateur service. In our own domestic rules, the FCC recognizes the amateur's "proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art," the need to promote technical skills, and expand the "existing reservoir . . . of trained operators, technicians and electronics experts." The Board also noted that one of the purposes of the League is to promote experimentation and education in the field of electronic communication, research and development, and the dissemination of technical, educational and scientific information.
All of the above is fundamental to the amateur service and deserves recognition and encouragement, hence the Board's initiative to recognize achievement in technical service, innovation and microwave development. Now is the time to nominate your colleagues for one or all of the awards described below!
ARRL Technical Service Award
The Technical Service Award is given annually to a licensed radio amateur or to individuals who are licensed radio amateurs whose service to the amateur community and/or society at large is of the most exemplary nature within the framework of Amateur Radio technical activities, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Participation or leadership in technically-oriented organizational affairs at the local or national level;
- Service as official ARRL volunteer; i.e., Technical Advisor, Technical Coordinator, Technical Specialist.
- Sharing of technical education and achievements with others through articles in the Amateur Radio literature, and at club meetings, hamfests and conventions; and encourage others to do the same.
- Promotion of technical advances and experimentation at vhf/uhf and with specialized modes, and work with enthusiasts in these fields.
- Service as technical advisor to clubs that sponsor classes for obtaining amateur licenses or upgraded licenses.
- In times of emergency or disaster, provide technical expertise to Amateur Radio service providers, government and relief agencies to assist with the establishment of emergency communications networks.
- Referral of amateurs in the section who need specialized technical advice to appropriate sources.
- Work with local clubs to develop RFI/TVI committees in the section for the purpose of rendering technical assistance as needed.
- Assistance to local technical program committees in arranging suitable programs for ARRL hamfests and conventions.
Formal nominations may be made by any ARRL member. All nominees will be invited to confirm their interest in competing for the award and to submit material documenting their activities. The person or group making the nomination will also be invited to submit additional information supporting the nomination.
The ARRL's Technology Task Force will serve as the award panel and will review the nominations received from the members and select the winner. An appropriate plaque will be presented to the recipient(s) at a home convention or event within the USA or the ARRL National Convention, or a mutually agreed upon arrangement to be made by F&ES to recipients outside the USA. The recipient(s) may also request ARRL publications of a value up to $100.
The ARRL Technical Service Award is intended to provide encouragement, and a tangible reward, for amateurs who are outstanding in the field of technical service. It also provides an opportunity for Amateur Radio, and its many benefits for society, to be brought to the attention of the public. Nominations must be received at Headquarters by March 31. Additional support information must be received at ARRL Headquarters by April 15.
ARRL Technical Innovation Award
The amateur community has witnessed great changes over the past 75 years, from spark to space. At the heart of many advances in the radio art has been the amateur radio operator. It has been and will remain ARRL policy to encourage amateurs to continue to lead at the forefront of technological advancement as recognized by the Board. The ARRL Technical Innovation Award is granted annually to the licensed radio amateur or to individuals who are licensed radio amateurs whose accomplishments and contributions are of the most exemplary nature within the framework of technical research, development and application of new ideas and future systems in the context of Amateur Radio activities, including but not limited to:
- Increasing use and development of higher-speed modems and improved packet radio protocols;
- Expanded use of personal computers in Amateur Radio applications;
- Increased efficiency in use of spectrum;
- Alleviation of long-standing technical problems, e.g., antenna restriction, competition for spectrum, EMC;
- Digital voice experimentation;
- Improved portable and mobile communications capability through Amateur satellite development;
- Increased use of solar, natural and alternative power sources for field applications;
- Development of practical compressed video transmission systems;
- Spread-spectrum technology and applications; and
- Development of assistive/adaptive technology for disabled amateurs.
See above for information on how to nominate.
The recipient(s) of this award will receive a cash award of $500.00 and an engraved plaque. ARRL representatives will endeavor to make a formal presentation of the plaque at a mutually agreed upon ARRL convention or event.
Nominations must be received at Headquarters by March 31. Additional support information must be received at ARRL Headquarters by April 15
ARRL Microwave Development Award
A great frontier for amateurs is the microwave bands. With room to move, the microwave region of our spectrum presents amateurs with a vast test bench for new modes, as well as development of traditional ones. The ARRL Microwave Development Award is given each year to a licensed radio amateur or to individuals who are licensed radio amateurs whose accomplishments and contributions are of the most exemplary nature within the framework of microwave development, i.e., research and application of new and refined uses and activity in the amateur microwave bands, along with the millimetric bands above 30 GHz. This includes adaptation of new modes both in terrestrial formats and satellite technique(s).
See above for information on how to nominate. The recipient(s) of this award will receive an engraved plaque, and may also request ARRL publications of a value up to $100.00. ARRL representatives will endeavor to make a formal presentation of the plaque at a mutually agreed upon convention or event.
Nominations must be received at Headquarters by March 31. Additional support information must be received at ARRL Headquarters by April 15.
Past Award Winners – 2007- 2008 2003 · 2002 · 2001 · 2000
Nominate Now!
Get your nominations in now, and count yourself among those that feel that technical advancement is not a lost ideal in the amateur community!
ARRL Doug DeMaw, W1FB, Technical Excellence Award
The ARRL Technical Excellence Award was established in 1975 to honor the author whose article (or series of articles) published in ARRL periodicals for that year is judged to have the highest degree of technical merit. In honor of the late Doug DeMaw, W1FB, the name of the award was changed to the Doug DeMaw, W1FB Technical Excellence Award in 1997. For articles with more than one author, each is presented with an engraved cup, and each of those awards is presented through Division Directors.
After the close of a calendar year, the process for determining the winner for that year begins. As established by the Board, the judging is done by a panel of ARRL Technical Advisors that works with the Publications Department at ARRL Headquarters. The recommendation of the judging panel is then forwarded to the ARRL Programs and Services Committee, which is asked to affirm the recommendation and then forwards it to the full Board of Directors at the second meeting of the Board in the year following the date of the award. Once the full Board approves the recommendation the award is bestowed. The award itself is a 9-inch pewter loving cup and base. The engraving identifies the award and includes the ARRL diamond logo, year, and the author's name and call.
The ARRL Doug DeMaw, W1FB, Technical Excellence Award finalist is selected by ARRL Technical Advisors and does not solicit public nominations.
For additional information contact:
Attn: Technical Awards
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Phone: 1-860-594-0200
E-mail: [email protected]
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