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Operating Permit Information

Afghanistan (YA)
There is no simple direct processing for applying for a reciprocal operating Amateur Radio permit. The Afghan Telecom Regulatory Authority is the regulating agency.

Albania (ZA)
Albanian Amateur Radio Association (AARA)
Address: PO Box 1501, Tirana
Tel / Fax: +355 (4) 364738 (ZA1B)
E-mail: [email protected] (ZA1B)

Algeria (7T-7Y)
Algeria has not entered into a reciprocal or a third party traffic agreement with the United States. Amateur radio is encouraged there in their own way, but it is very difficult, if not impossible, for an alien amateur to be licensed even if he or she is not a short-term visitor.
For further information, please contact:

Andora (C3)
Queries should go to Ura Unio De Radioaficionats Andorrans the national IARU member society at: [email protected]

Angola (D2)
Head of Department, Frequency Management (telephone +244 222 338/fax +244 222 339 356)

Anguilla (VP2E)
For information contact the St Kitts Nevis Anguilla Amateur Radio Society using their webform at

Antarctica (KC4 only)
Radio operations are managed by the National Science Foundation for the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) via the services of is prime support contractor who provides IT & communications support functions in Antarctica under contract to the NSF (currently Lockheed Martin ASC, Centennial, CO). NSF oversight of call sign allocations is confined to the FCC delegated KC4 call sign blocks (KC4AAA-KC4AAF) and for any radio communications conducted at a US Antarctic Program operating location - NSF maintains internal USAP radio frequency spectrum coordination.

In practice, NSF sponsors three "club" station operations, one at each of the three USAP stations of McMurdo, South Pole, and Palmer. These operate under an FCC delegated KC4 call sign. Manning of the stations may be episodic, contingent upon the presence of a US licensed amateur radio operator.

Any other amateur radio operation by an individual not using the officially sponsored station would be requested to operate as a conventional mobile or portable, and the NSF's primary interest would be the advanced coordination and registration for radio frequency coordination when operations could be conducted at/near USAP operating locations.

Any other amateur radio operations affiliated/sponsored by other national Antarctic programs would be addressed to the country of relevance. Any independent, non-affiliated amateur radio operations would not be addressed to NSF unless the operations would occur near or at USAP operating locations, in which case NSF requests radio frequency spectrum coordination.

General inquires can be addressed to:
National Science Foundation
Geosciences Directorate, Division of Polar Programs
Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics Section
4201 Wilson Blvd, Room 755
Arlington, VA 22230

Technical inquiries regarding spectrum coordination, sponsored station facilities, etc. can be addressed to the current NSF Antarctic Support Contractor:
Raytheon Polar Services Company
7400 S. Tucson Way
Centennial, CO 80112
Attn: Chief Information Officer

Antigua & Barbuda (C3)

Argentina (LU)

An Armenian Amateur Radio license (permit), is issued by the Republican Center of Telecommunication, CJSC, Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Armenia. According to the Regulation of the above mentioned organization, which is approved in the Decision of the Government of RA of 20 November, 1999, No.694, appendix 9, the foreign Amateur must submit to the Republican Center of Telecommunication, CJSC, the following documents:

  • Application questionnaire
  • Copy of the amateur license issued by the country of which the amateur is a citizen
  • Recommendation of the FRRA (we can send this letter after you send us the first two papers)

All these documents must be submitted not later than two months before beginning of activities of the radio amateur. However, FRRA can gain the extension of the deadline. A foreign amateur who would like to obtain a two-month license must pay 150,000 Armenian Drams, and for the period of time up to one year, 500,000 Armenian Drams. One USD is equal to about 588 Armenian Drams.

To bring equipment into the country (for example, a transceiver), you must obtain permission from the Republican Center of Telecommunication, CJSC, and pay about 18,000 Armenian Drams for the permission.

George Badalian EK6GB
President FRRA
[email protected]

Aruba (P4)

Ascension (ZD8) / St Helena (ZD7)
St. Helena: It appears you apply for a license at the Land Planning & Buildings Control Division. You will need to produce a copy of one’s home license and pay a fee. There is a power limit of 100 watts. If one applies in person, the license can be issued in about 2 hours, and the operator may choose any available call sign.

Ascension: The same form is used as on St. Helena. The operator applies to the Office of the Island Administrator with the form and a copy of one’s local license. The license is issued on the spot for the fee. The operator has the choice of whatever callsigns are available. There is an Amateur Radio club on Ascension with a fully equipped radio shack that may be used by visiting amateurs. Getting permission to land and/or stay on Ascension is very difficult.

Australia (VK)

Azerbaijan (4J 4K)
The best contact to try and obtain information on visiting operations in Azerbaijan appears to be to contact club station 4K0HQ at [email protected].

Azores (CU)

Bahamas (C6)

Bahrain (A9)

The US does not have a reciprocal operating agreement with Bahrain. At this time there is no IARU National Society representing Bahrain.

Bangladesh (S2)

Barbados (8P)

Belize (V3)

Benin (TY)
We have no current information on the requirements for operating from Benin. They also do not have an IARU Society that might be able to assist at this time. We are aware of several recent DXpeditions to this country and suggest perhaps contacting a member of one of those teams would provide you with useable information.

Bermuda (VP9)

Bhutan (A5)
Information on Bhutan is found at:

Botswana (A2)

British Virgin Islands (VP2V)
The US does have reciprocity with the BVI through its bilateral treaty with the United Kingdom, which extends to include BVI). It is recommended you contact: The BVI Telecommunications Regulatory Commission. The (TRC) website is here:  The radio licensing page explains the licensing process, including amateur radio reciprocal licensing here: The license fee is currently $20 US per year (Dec.2024). (Note: This reciprocity is not through CEPT but rather by a separate bilateral treaty with the UK). Update courtesy K0NR.

Brunei (V8)

Burundi (9U)
We do not at this time have reliable information on foreign licensees operating in Burundi and we do not have a reciprocal agreement in place with this country. The only email address we have for them is [email protected]

Burkina Faso (XT)
Contact this email address and request information on Amateur Radio licensing: [email protected]

Cambodia (XU)

Cameroon (TJ)
While there appears to be active amateur radio operation in Cameroon, finding information on-line proves to be quite difficult. The email for the national telecommunication regulator is [email protected] While they do also appear active in IARU activity, there is no email or webpage to the national IARU society. You might have luck sending email to [email protected]

Canada (VE)

Cape Verde (D4)
While there is fairly regular amateur radio activity from Cape Verde, there is no IARU connection at this time. There also is contact information for the national telecommunications regulator. We would suggest you contact one of the organizers of one of the recent DXPeditions to the country and make inquiries as to what processes they followed to obtains operating authority.

Cayman Islands (ZF)

Central African Republic (TL)
While there is know amateur radio activity at times, trying to find licensing procedures on line is problematic. Your best bet is to contact ARCEP, the national telecommunications regulator. Their website is

Chad (TT)
We do not have any current operating information reciprocal operating for visitors to Chad.

Chagos (VQ9)
Amateur radio frequently happens from here but the Diego Garcia Amateur Radio Club station is no longer in place. Because of the military nature of the island, gaining access is a significant issue. Should you be allowed to visit, you should contact the British authorities on the island and ask for assistance in obtaining operating permission.

China (BY)
As your best resource for trying to understand and obtain permission to operate in China, we recommend you contact their national society, the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club at: [email protected] We also recommend this website:

Clipperton (FO/c)
While reciprocity is established with Clipperton through the France CEPT authorization.

Colombia (HK)
The United States holds a reciprocal and a third-party traffic agreement with Colombia. The application procedure has a number of crucial steps which may cause some difficulty. The radio society will be happy to assist you with your application. Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados (LCRA)

The requirements include the following:

  • The application must be presented in Spanish at least 60 days prior to the date on which operation is expected to begin.
  • A photocopy of the original license.
  • Number and expiration date of a valid passport.
  • Three photographs, passport size.

Comoros (D6)
If you hold an amateur radio license, it is possible to obtain a reciprocal license. Your most efficient method is to go to the General Postal Office in Moroni and do it in person.

Congo (DRC) (9Q)
Your starting point would be with the Congo Post and Telecommunications Authority at Try an email to [email protected]

Congo (ROC) (TN)
The IARU contact for the Republic of the Congo may be reached by email at [email protected] appears to be the best point of initial contact.

Cook Islands (E5)
According to E51DLD/W6HB Andy Duncan, you need a copy of your license. Bring an English translation if it is not already in English. The cost runs around NZ$20 and is good for one year. Call sign is in the form E51XXX (residents have E51XX). Licence can usually be received on the same day at the Bluesky Telecom office in Avarua. It can also be obtained in advance by email. The last known contact person was Katoa Banaba, email: [email protected]

Corsica (TK)
Corsica participates in CEPT through its ties to France.

Costa Rica (TI)
Contact the Costa Rican IARU National Society at [email protected] for assistance in licensing information.
There is a good piece on operating as DX focused on Costa Rica found at

Cote D’Ivoire (TU)
Email contact is [email protected] Their IARU member society contact us Jean-Jacques Niava, TU2OP, who may be able to assist visitors with information. Email at [email protected]

Crozet (FT)
Crozet participates in CEPT through its ties to France.

Cuba (CM/CO)
The US does not have a reciprocal agreement with Cuba. However, you might try contacting the Cuban IARU member society at [email protected] and see what the might recommend should you be able to visit Cuba.

Curacao (PJ2)

Djibouti (J2)
Recent attempts to secure operating permissions and equipment authorizations have proven to be unsuccessful due to governmental “red tape”. It is strongly recommended that you contact the national telecommunications authority [email protected] if you with to operate in Djibouti.

Dominica (J7)
The Dominica Amateur Radio Club, Inc (DARCI) is the IARU society for the country. They can be contacted through their Facebook page. The national telecom regulator’s regulations for Amateur Radio can be found at

Dominican Republic (HI)
The contact email for the IARU National Society is [email protected] Informational links for the national regulator will be found at (Note: the site is in Spanish)

The US does have a bilateral reciprocal agreement with the Dominican Republic.
Licensing information is found at:


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