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Operating Permit Information

Oman (A4)
While it appears a visitor will not be issued a license or allowed to bring equipment into the country, it is possible for visiting licenses to make arrangements with the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society to operate from its club station. The best contact information is through their Facebook page at with an email address of [email protected]

Pakistan (AP-AS)
The application for a foreign visitor to operate in found at Also be sure to read the SOP document found on the same page.

Palau (T8)
The best information currently available on licensing in Palau can be found at:

Palestine (E4)
There is no reciprocity between the US and Palestine.

Panama (HP)
While Panama is party to the IARP, visiting amateurs are still required to notify the Ministry of Government and Justice of the date, place and duration of the foreign amateur operator in the Republic/Panama. The documents listed above are to be delivered to the Department of Communications, of the Ministry of Government and Justice, located at 4th floor of the 'Ministerio de Gobierno y Justicia building' -- Address: Manzana 080814 155287-7, Provincia de Panama, PANAMA (Map link:  Directora contact is: Maria Elena Barrios (H1RC); Tel: 507-512-7201 (working hours are generally: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday). When submitting the documents make sure that you leave your telephone number and address so that you may be contacted.

Papua New Guinea (P29)
There is no recognized IARU society at this time. The national regulatory is the National Information and Communications. Technology Authority and the link to the application for Amateur Radio licensing is:

Paraguay (ZP)
The Radio Club Paraguayo is the national IARU society and maintains a presence on Facebook at Paraguay participates in the IARP agreement.

Peru (OA)
Peru participates in the IARP agreement. Additional information can be found at the IARU national society - Radio Club Peruano – website at

Philippines (DU-DZ)
The national IARU Society - Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) – has detailed information on foreign visitor licensing requirements at

Pitcairn (VP6)
We do not have information on visitor operations on Pitcairn Island. Inquiries should be sent to the governmental liaison at [email protected]

Qatar (A7)
There is no current reciprocal arrangement between the US and Qatar. You might try contacting their IARU national society at Qatar Amateur Radio Society at [email protected] and make an inquirty. At times visitors have been allowed to operate under the auspices of a member of the national society.

Reunion Island (FR)
Reunion is covered through France’s participation in CEPT.

Rodriguez Island (3B9)
Those wishing to operate from Rodriguez Island would go through the licensing authority of Mauritius and file their application found at Questions about specific operations on Rodriguez would be processed through that office.

Rwanda (9X)
There is no current reciprocal agreement with Rwanda. There is an amateur radio presence primarily at the University of Rwanda and the Rwanda Amateur Radio Union. The contact information at this time is [email protected]

San Marino (T7)
Information on guest operators from San Marino can be found at Radio Amateurs Association Republic of San Marino – the IARU National Society Website at

Sao Tome & Principe (S9)
We do not have any current information on visitor operations from Sao Tome and do not have a reliable contact email for the country.

Saudi Arabia (HZ)
Full information on licensing in Saudi Arabia can be found in the document found at:

Senegal (6V-6W)
The IARU national society is Association des Radio-Amateurs du Senegal [ARAS] and their website is The current best contact information is the society president, Moustapha Diop (Tafa) 6W1KI, who can be reached by email at [email protected]

Seychelles (S7)
Information on a visitor’s license for the Seychelles can be found at

Sierra Leone (9L)
There is a bilateral reciprocal agreement between Sierra Leone and the US. The contact email for information from the National Telecommunications Ministry is [email protected]

Singapore (9V)
Information on visitor licensing is found at

SOFA Korea
See the following page for SOFA licensing in South Korea:

Solomon Islands (H4)
There is a bilateral reciprocal operating agreement between the US and the Solomon Islands. The link to the application form is:

Somalia (T5)
Information on visitor licensing in Somalia is found at:

South Africa (ZS)
Extensive information on visitor licenses in South Africa is found on the South African Radio League – their IARU member society – website at

South Georgia / South Sandwich (VP0)
Effectibve September 2021, South George and South Sandwich have VP0 prefixes. See for details.

Sri Lanka (4P–4S)
The IARU society Radio Society of Sri Lanka (RSSL)can be found on the web at Information and application for guest operations in Sri Lanka may be found at

St. Bartholomew (FJ)
St. Bartholomew is covered through France’s participation in CEPT.

St. Helena (ZD7)
Participates in CEPT through its ties to the United Kingdom

St. Kitts & Nevis (V4)
Application information for a visitor’s permit is found at:

St. Lucia (J6)
Application information is found at:

St. Pierre/Miquelon (FP)
St. Pierre/Miquelon is covered through France’s participation in CEPT.

St. Paul & Amsterdam (FT)
St. Paul & Amsterdam is covered through France’s participation in CEPT.

St. Vincent (J8)
Information on licensing is found in the document at:

Sudan (ST)
We have no current information on guest operations in the Sudan.

Suriname (PZ)
The IARU society in Suriname has been suspended and there is no contact information. You might try contacting Yudel Torres PZ2YT, who is active and may be able to provide information on the existing bilateral agreement between the US and Suriname at [email protected]

Syria (YK)
While there is no reciprocal agreement between the US and Syria, it may be possible to obtain operating permission. Contact the Syrian Scientific Technical Amateur Radio Society (SSTARS) for information and assistance at [email protected] or [email protected]

Taiwan (Taipei) (BV)
The process for receiving temporary operating authorization while visiting Taiwan is found at The IARU national society or Taiwan is the Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League [CTARL] and their email address is [email protected]

Tanzania (5H)
For information on visitor operations contact their IARU member society Tanzania Amateur Radio Club [TARC] at [email protected]

Temotu (H40)
See Solomon Islands (above)

Thailand (HS)
The US has a bilateral reciprocal agreement with Thailand. Procedures as published at or Contact Registrar - Radio Amateur Society of Thailand [RAST] – for details at [email protected]
The society’s website is

Thailand (HS)
The US has a bilateral reciprocal agreement with Thailand. Contact Champ E21EIC, secretary of their national IARU society - Radio Amateur Society of Thailand [RAST] – for details at [email protected] The society’s website is

Togo (5V)
There is no current information on visitor operation guidelines for Togo and no information on an IARU society in the country.

Tokelau (ZK3)
It appears the reciprocal agreement between the US and New Zealand does not extend to New Zealand Trust Territories, including Tokelau. Would recommend contacting NZARTS at [email protected] for queries on possible operations from Tokelau.

Tonga (A3)
For licensing queries contact the Kingdom of Tonga Ministry of Communicatios at [email protected]

Trinidad & Tobago (9Y)
While Trinidad & Tobago (TATT) participates in the IARP program, in order to use the IARP in Trindad and Tobago, you must notify the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) prior to your arrival. When doing so, you must send them a copy of your IARP, as well as a copy of your home (FCC) license and a copy of your passport -- along with your dates of arrival and departure. Their website provides a contact form. TATT will respond with an authorization letter which is your formal permission to operate.  Bringing equipment through customs also requires prior authorization from TATT. You can inquire at their website and they will give you the forms. Amateur radio equipment is exempt from customs duty but may incur a Value Added Tax (VAT) of 12.5% (as of December 2023) or in some cases the payment of a bond to be refunded back to you prior to your return home. [Info courtesy N2RJ]

Tristan da Cunha & Gough I. (ZD9)
Send inquires for visitor operations to [email protected]

Tunsia (3V)
There is not a reciprocal operating agreement between the US and Tunisia. The IARU society - Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens – maintains a website at

Turkmenistan (EZ)
There has not been amateur radio reciprocity for many years with Turkmenistan. Their IARU national society also does not appear to be active.

Turks & Caicos Islands (VP5)
Turks and Caicos have "broken" away from the traditional CEPT licensing arrangement.  Today, there are additional authorization steps in the process for visitors who want to operate from VP5. For licensing information as of April 2023 see and possibly

Tuvalu (T2)
The US has a reciprocal agreement with Tuvalu.


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