License Update, Change, or Renewal
Amateur applications must be filed online via the FCC website.
To renew, update, or add an email address or phone number to a license record, amateurs may file online (electronically) on the FCC ULS website via the License Manager System using their FCC issued FCC Registration Number (FRN) and password. Manually filed paper applications are not accepted by the FCC. A valid email address is required on all applications and filings. Applicants are required to answer the FCC Basic Qualification Question (felony question) if they are filing for one of the following purposes indicated: New, Amendment, Modification (Upgrade or Call sign change), Renewal Only, or Renewal with Modification. Applicants applying for any other purpose are not required to answer this question.
The FCC permits administrative updates and call sign changes at any time. License renewals are allowed at 90 days or less before a license will expire, and when the license has expired but is still within the two-year grace period. Licenses that have been expired for more than two years are not eligible for renewal or reinstatement.
Visit the FCC’s License Renewal Instructions page and the FCC’s Renewal Application Checklist page. This checklist is a preparation guide to help license holders gather the necessary information before they begin the License Renewal process, direct them to the proper websites, and provide help articles to common issues some people encounter. The checklist is intended to help the Amateur community navigate the ULS and CORES systems, to file and pay for their applications.
There are also instructions available on the FCC’s Knowledge Base page to help the Amateur community find the appropriate FCC resources.
The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including new licenses, vanity call sign requests, and license renewals. There are no fees for administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, modification applications to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class or to request a sequentially issued call sign.
To file applications and pay any FCC application fees, the applicant must set up a new FCC CORES Username account. After creating the account, when logged in, you must associate your existing FRN to your new username. Most amateurs have not yet registered for a CORES account. Follow the "Legacy CORES Users" instructions on the FCC CORES Registration Instructions page before attempting to file an application online.
After completing the application online in the License Manager System, if a payment is required, this system will automatically open a page asking how the applicant wants to pay and will walk the applicant through the payment process. If the application is filed through a VEC organization, the FCC fee must still be paid online directly to the FCC not to the organization processing the application form. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the ARRL's FCC Application Fee webpage.
Licensees can log into the ULS License Manager System with their FRN and password at any time and update anything in their FCC license record, including adding an email address.
Amateur radio licensees and examination candidates must provide the FCC with an email address on all applications.
For additional assistance or to reset a password, call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET), or submit a help request on the FCC’s Wireless Licensing Help Center website.
ARRL members may manually file an application for free (via mail, email, or FAX) to the ARRL VEC using the NCVEC Form 605. Non-members will be charged a processing fee to use this member service.
Filing Procedures
Choose the method that is right for you-
Licensed individuals and Amateur Radio clubs can choose from the filing procedures below.
Filing For a New Vanity Call Sign Via the FCC+
This procedure must be done directly with the FCC. Filing for a vanity license can be done online via the ULS License Manager System. For additional information see the ARRL Vanity Call Sign page or refer to the "File Electronically with FCC via the Web" section below. The FCC takes 18 days to process and issue a new vanity license.
The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including vanity call sign requests. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage.
After completing the application, the system will automatically open a page asking how the applicant wants to pay and will walk the applicant through the payment process.
File Online with the FCC Via the Web+
The FCC accepts updates, changes, and renewals online via their ULS License Manager System. Licensees may file for renewal at 90 days or less before your license will expire, or up to two years after expiration. After the two year grace period, the license is no longer valid or renewable. License changes and updates may be filed at any time.
To use the License Manager System for online filing, you must first be sure you are registered in the Commission Registration System (CORES) and have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) and CORES password to work with your FCC license record. To receive an FRN you must supply your Social Security Number (SSN) to the FCC. As part of their compliance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, the FCC must collect SSNs. Once registered, you may then choose the "FILE ONLINE" link to perform your online application transaction with FCC.
A valid email address is required on all applications. ARRL VEC suggests that those without access to email should use the email address of a family member or friend. Licensees will be able to log in to the ULS License Manager System using their FRN and password to download the latest version of their license at any time
Applicants will receive an email directly from the FCC with a link to the official electronic copy of their license whenever a license is issued or changed. The FCC no longer provides paper license documents.
For questions or password issues, call the CORES/FRN Help Line, (877) 480-3201 (Monday – Friday, 1300 – 2300 UTC) or reset the password on the FCC website.
You can apply for a new vanity call sign or a vanity license renewal through the ULS License Manager System. You may request a sequentially issued call sign at the time of your vanity renewal, if you do not wish to keep the vanity call sign.
Your FCC license renewal or change(s) should be in place almost immediately. The FCC takes 18 days to process and issue a new vanity license.
The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including license renewals and vanity call sign requests. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage.
After completing the application, the system will automatically open a page asking how the applicant wants to pay and will walk the applicant through the payment process.
There is no FCC application fee for license changes (address, name, email, etc.).
File Via Mail to the FCC - no longer allowed+
As of June 29, 2021, the FCC no longer accepts paper filings. Applicants must login and file applications in the ULS License Manager System on the FCC website. The FCC online filing instructions are here.
The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including license renewals and vanity call sign requests. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage.
After completing the application, the system will automatically open a page asking how the applicant wants to pay and will walk the applicant through the payment process.
There is no FCC application fee for license changes (address, name, email, etc.).
Licensees can log into the ULS License Manager System with their FRN and password at any time and update anything in their FCC license record, including adding an email address. For questions or password issues, call the CORES/FRN Help Line, (877) 480-3201 (Monday – Friday, 1300 – 2300 UTC) or reset the password on the FCC website.
A valid email address is required on all applications. ARRL VEC suggests that those without access to email should use the email address of a family member or friend. Licensees will be able to log in to the ULS License Manager System using their FRN and password to download the latest version of their license at any time The FCC no longer provides paper license documents.
The NCVEC 605 Form must be sent to the ARRL VEC. If sent directly to the FCC, it will be rejected.
ARRL Members: License modifications/changes and renewals will be processed to the FCC for FREE for current ARRL members as part of your membership services. An FCC fee may apply to your license transaction which must be paid directly to the FCC. See the FCC Fee section below.Non-Members: Licensees that are not ARRL members will be charged an ARRL processing fee to submit license renewals and changes to the FCC. Additionally, an FCC fee may apply to your license transaction which must be paid directly to the FCC. See the FCC Fee section below.
Licensees may file for renewal at 90 days or less before your license will expire, or up to two years after expiration. After the two year grace period, the license is no longer valid or renewable. License changes can be done anytime.
FCC Fee: The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including license renewals and vanity call sign requests. There is no FCC application fee for license changes (address, name, email, etc.). The FCC fee must be paid online directly to the FCC not to the organization processing the application form. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage.
Please complete the NCVEC 605 Form and email, mail, or FAX it to the ARRL VEC.
A valid email address and an answer to the basic qualification question are mandatory.
If you file via ARRL, the process may take only a few days in order to change or renew your license, once ARRL receives it. An email with a link to your official license copy will be sent directly from the FCC. If you have any questions, contact the ARRL VEC.
Address: ARRL VEC, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 USA
Phone: 1-860-594-0300
FAX: 860-594-0339
Applicants will receive an email directly from the FCC with a link to the official electronic copy of their license whenever a license is issued or changed. ARRL VEC suggests that those without access to email should use the email address of a family member or friend. Licensees will be able to log in to the ULS License Manager system using their FRN and password to download the latest version of their license at any time The FCC no longer provides paper license documents.
Club and Military Recreation License Renewals and Changes+
The ARRL VEC Form 605-C must be sent to the ARRL VEC. If sent directly to the FCC, it will be rejected.
The FCC has privatized the club call sign assignment program. Any club or military recreation license must go through a Club Station Call Sign Administrator (CSCSA) of which the ARRL VEC is one. The FCC no longer accepts applications directly from clubs unless the club is requesting a new vanity call sign.
Clubs applying for a vanity call sign may electronically file online via the FCC web using the ULS License Manager System. All other vanity club license changes, updates, or renewals must be done through a CSCSA.
ARRL VEC Form 605-C can be used to update or renew a Club License or a Military Recreation Station License. ARRL cannot process requests for NEW vanity call signs as they must be done directly with the FCC. For Club or Military Recreation License filing instructions see Club Station License Application Filing Procedures.
The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including license renewals, new licenses, and vanity call sign requests. There is no FCC application fee for license changes (address, name, email, etc.). The FCC fee must be paid online directly to the FCC not to the organization processing the club license application form. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage.
If you have any questions, contact the ARRL VEC.
ARRL VEC , 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 USA
Phone: 1-860-594-0300
FAX: 860-594-0339
Licensing, Education & Training >> FCC License Info and Forms >> Call Sign Renewals or Changes