The Universal Licensing System (ULS) and FCC registration and filing systems were deployed in the Amateur Service on August 16, 1999. To conduct business with the FCC, you must register through FCC COmission REgistration System (CORES) and be assigned an FCC Registration Number (FRN). This number will be used to uniquely identify you in all transactions with the FCC.
The FCC has taken great strides to make the ULS and the CORES easy to use and has devoted a section of their website to the Amateur Radio Service.
Helpful web pages include: New Users guide to ULS and Common filing tasks which offers instruction on setting up a user account, registering for a FRN, and filing electronically via the ULS; and the Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page for videos that help guide CORES users through a variety of situations.
Anyone conducting business with the FCC must be registered in FCC CORES (COmission REgistration System) and be issued an FCC Registration Number (FRN) before you can use ULS to renew your license, change your address, obtain a duplicate license, or use any of the other services that the FCC offers. Not sure if you have an FRN? Check your license to determine if it’s been assigned an FRN.
Licensees can log into the ULS License Manager System with their 10-digit FRN (FCC Registration Number) and password at any time to view and manage your license and applications, and update anything in your FCC license record, including adding an email address.
An Amateur Radio Club must also register in CORES and be assigned a unique FRN before conducting business with the FCC.
For assistance, submit a help request on the FCC’s LIcensing Help Center website or call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).
Applying for a new Amateur Radio license?
Register in CORES (COmission REgistration System) and receive your FRN (FCC Registration Number) before sitting for your exam to ensure your new license is processed quickly and easily through the FCC's ULS (Universal Licensing System). To conduct business with the FCC, you must register through FCC CORES and be assigned an FRN. This number will be used to uniquely identify you in all transactions with the FCC.
View the FCC web page New Users guide to ULS for step by step instructions on the registration process or the Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page for videos that help guide CORES users through a variety of situations.
For assistance, submit a help request on the FCC website on the FCC’s Support Services page or call FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).
If you ARE Registered in FCC CORES-
If you are already registered in FCC CORES, and if you have an FRN and know your CORES Password no further action is required. You can go directly to the ULS License Manager System to file an application with the FCC. To login you will be required to enter your FCC assigned FRN and your Password.
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If you are NOT Registered in FCC CORES+
If you are NOT registered in FCC ULS and CORES and do not have a FRN, you will need to sign up for one. Follow the instructions on the FCC website to learn how to register.
View the FCC web page New Users guide to ULS for step by step instructions on the registration process or the Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page for videos that help guide CORES users through a variety of situations.
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Reset your FCC CORES Password+
If you are Registered (have a FRN) but do not know your FCC CORES Password you can reset your password online.
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How do I register for ULS and CORES?+
Manual Registration
You must file two forms. Complete an FCC Form 160 to obtain a FCC Registration Number (FRN), based on your Taxpayer Identification Number (social security number). Note that the FCC Form 160 does not ask for your call sign. Once you receive that in the mail from the FCC, you must then complete an FCC Form 606 to associate your FRN and call. An individual or entity is not required to have a call sign, but is required to have an FRN when doing business with the FCC. Automatic registration is available for those filing an application through a VEC and to those who have previously registered in ULS. In other words, you must have given the FCC your Social Security Number once; if you have not, you will not be auto-registered and will need to do so.
Electronic Registration (EASIER)
This is the quickest and easiest way to register your Taxpayer Identification Number (social security number) with the FCC and receive a FCC Registration Number (FRN).
If not already registered in CORES, go to the FCC CORES website and register a new user account to receive your FRN. New users can find detailed FCC instructions on the New Users Guide page or the Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page.
If you are already have an FRN but are not a registered with a user account, choose "Need a User Name?".
Questions can be directed to the CORES Help Desk at 1-877-480-3201.
Complete your registration information (ignore the contact person, and SGIN references). If you are not a US citizen, follow the prompts. When the system confirms that you are registered, and the page goes on to read "To continue on to another FCC Filing system, select: AUCTIONS, BLS, CDBS, CSRS, ETFS, IBFS, or ULS, be sure to link your call sign to your registration by choosing "ULS"; then choose "Proceed to Call Sign/ASR Number Registration", then re-enter the FRN number the FCC assigned to you and enter your password (for password help contact FCC Tech Support weekdays at 202-414-1250 or at Lastly, choose "ENTER CALL SIGNS" and enter your amateur call sign in the first block of the 100 spaces-then click on "Submit", and you are now finished with your CORES Registration. Then choose "HOME". You may update your registration (e.g., change address, passwords, or call sign) in a similar fashion.
One big advantage to on-line registration is that the ULS application system checks for errors before you submit your data. This advantage is not available to manual filers. If you file electronically with ULS, you will be required to use your CORES password. CORES passwords will be the same as current ULS passwords. If you chose to log in with your TIN, the FCC will tell you your FRN. It should be used in all transactions with the FCC. If you don't have an FRN, you will be prompted to obtain one first before the FCC will accept your application.
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