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Joined: Wed, Nov 29th 2017, 18:15 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
Cuscraft 5el 6m = 5 el 10m Aug 20th 2018, 20:03 2 6,571 on 20/8/18
QRN from neighbor's air compressor Jul 5th 2018, 10:53 3 7,544 on 21/7/18
Field Day ~ maybe qsl for WAS? Jun 22nd 2018, 19:55 1 9,773 on 22/6/18
No computer only smart LG phone Jun 21st 2018, 10:09 2 7,406 on 22/5/19
Will mast hold up in high wind? May 27th 2018, 09:35 4 6,981 on 21/7/18
2m/6m wire dipole May 23rd 2018, 11:58 3 7,644 on 24/5/18
Never say never May 23rd 2018, 11:44 2 6,871 on 23/5/18
End fed wire antenna ... workable?? May 2nd 2018, 20:11 5 8,538 on 1/10/18
Acrylic sheet for antenna Apr 8th 2018, 14:34 2 6,758 on 9/4/18
Tying into power cord Apr 4th 2018, 14:34 3 7,888 on 23/11/19

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Cuscraft 5el 6m = 5 el 10m N0CHS on 20/8/18
I have a 5 element 6m beam yagi. If I find the correct diameter aluminium tubes to extend the elements to be a 10m beam; is that doable?

The beam has a gamma-match. Would I have to get longer parts for that as well?

Colin, w0dbb
Will mast hold up in high wind? N0CHS on 21/7/18
I have a 5el. 6m Cushcraft horz yagi mounted on a a 1 5/8" steel pole ~15' above trailer home.


I talked to DXEngine. and they said no worries.
I have strung a 10m wire dipole (h-brew) between that mast and a seperate mast holding a Diamond X300 ~15' above roof. Works good!
QRN from neighbor's air compressor N0CHS on 21/7/18
Thanks for reply. Not sure what a filters going to cost (sigh). He received the compressor free because it didn't work
QRN from neighbor's air compressor N0CHS on 5/7/18
Hi all-

When I have 2m band on, my neighbor's air compressor causes a rhythmic qrn (static) burst on my IC706MIIG.

He's a friend and owns a small engine shop almost next door. Before I go talk to him, I'd like to at least narrow down what may be causing the qrn.

Any suggestions eliminating causes BEFORE I head over to talk with him?

Field Day ~ maybe qsl for WAS? N0CHS on 22/6/18
I will be manning 6m station on FD. I will be operating under club call, K0IIT. My call is W0DBB .. . .

If I send a QSL card with W0DBB in the required info. box. BUT add a note on back saying I was "guest" under K0IIT, will that qualify as a legit contact for WAS?

Colin, W0DBB

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